
Johnson Chong Personal Website

Primary LanguageHTML


Johnson Chong Personal Website

Requirement from Mid-Project

information to appear on the page should include: a. Title b. Your name (nickname) c. Your picture(s) d. A good introduction of yourself e. Others

You must hard code your homepage in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap. No tools are allowed. You must use the HTML and CSS components as many as possible in your home page. Others advanced HTML features such as sounds, animation, etc. are optional.

Things to be checked during grading include: Is there a title? Is your name on the page? Is your picture on the page? Is there a 'good' introduction of you? Do you have at least a headlines, paragraphs, table, and images? The above are basic requirements for a passing grade. Please put at least two additional features that you feel appropriate. Indicate all these things clearly.