
txtelite: Text Elite 1.5 (with bug fixes)

Primary LanguageC

Text Elite

This is an updated and bugfixed version of Text Elite 1.5.

It should build and run on any POSIX.1-2001 system with a C89 compiler, and has been tested on Linux, AIX, Haiku, *BSD, DJGPP, macOS, Cygwin, Solaris, illumos, and Windows.

Text Elite is a C implementation of the classic Elite trading system with a text adventure style shell, originally coded to formalise and archive the definition of the Classic Elite Universe.

Text Elite is trading only. There is no risk of mis-jump, police, or pirate attacks.

Note that Text Elite's Galactic Hyperspace jumps to the system in the target Galaxy having the same position in the Galactic Generation sequence as the planet jumped from. This is a deviation from Classic 6502 Elite, which always jumped to a common "central" system.

You can send scripts to txtelite via redirection or pipes using a command such as ./txtelite < ./script.txt. An example script, sinclair.txt, is included.

If you want input line-editing and command history, use rlwrap, i.e. rlwrap ./txtelite.