
Gradle Plugin for publishing artifacts to Sonatype and Nexus

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Due to Sonatype's strict validation rules, the publishing requirement must be satisfied by every artifact which wants to be published to Sonatype.

For Java and Android library projects, the publishing configurations are very similar, but the configurations of creating publication are quite different, this gradle plugin is used to simplify the engineering complexity of publishing artifacts to Sonatype, developers don't need to write boilerplate publishing DSL for each project to satisfy Sonatype validation rules.

This plugin not only support publishing artifacts to Sonatype, but also support publishing artifacts to private Nexus repository.


For more information, see References

Getting Started

plugins {
    id("io.johnsonlee.sonatype-publish-plugin") version "1.6.1"

group = "<your-group-id>"
version = "1.0.0"

Then, execute publish tasks:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -x signMavenJavaPublication

Configuring Environment Variables

To publish artifacts to remote maven repository, additional configurations are quired.



    The account id of Sonatype, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env


    the account password of Sonatype, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env


    The package group of Sonatype, e.g. io.johnsonlee, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env



    The endpoint of Nexus service, e.g. http://nexus.johnsonlee.io/, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env


    The account id of Nexus, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env


    The account password of Nexus, searching from project properties by default, otherwise searching from system env

Configuring Signing Properties

  • signing.keyId

    The GPG key id (short format). In this example, the GPG key id is 71567BD2

    $ gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format=short
    sec   4096R/71567BD2 2021-03-10 [expires: 2031-03-10]
    uid                  Johnson
    ssb   4096R/4BA89E7A 2021-03-10
  • signing.password

    The password of GPG key

  • signing.secretKeyRingFile

    The secret key ring file, e.g. /Users/johnsonlee/.gnupg/secring.gpg

    The best practice is putting the properties above into ~/.gradle/gradle.properties


Configuring Git Repository

The following git configurations are be used for generating maven POM file, please skip if already done.

  • user.name

    git config user.name <username>
  • user.email

    git config user.email <email-address>
  • remote.origin.url (optional)

    The remote.origin.url is available by default unless the git repository is created locally

    git remote add origin git@github.com:<username>/<repository>

Configuring Project Info

  • project.group

    The groupId of the publication, only the root project need to configured, subproejcts will inherit from the root project

  • project.version

    The version of the publication, only the root project need to configured, subproejcts will inherit from the root project

The artifactId of the publication is the project.name by default

Configuring License (optional)

Add a license file (LICENSE, LICENSE.txt, LICENSE.md or LICENSE.rst) into project, then the license type will be recognized automatically.

For more information on repository licenses, see "Supported Licenses"

Publishing Artifacts to Sonatype

./gradlew initializeSonatypeStagingRepository publishToSonatype
./gradlew closeAndReleaseRepository

Publishing Artifacts to Nexus

Java/Kotlin Project

./gradlew clean publish

Android Project

For Android projects, using -x to disable publication tasks for debug variants:

./gradlew clean publish -x publishDebugPublicationToMavenRepository

After release complete, the artifacts will be synced to Maven Central automatically
