
Utility scripts or libraries for various Natural Language Processing tasks.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Utility scripts or libraries for various Natural Language Processing tasks.


  • charfreq.awk: calculate character frequency.
  • convcat.py: cat files with different encodings together.
  • csvcol.py: get specified columns of csv files.
  • csvsql.py: convert csv file to sql definition.
  • dbsort.tcl: sort SQLite tables in place.
  • detokenizer.py: detokenize Chinese text.
  • dump2db.py: make a database from leaked password dumps.
  • epubzhconv.py: Chinese varient conversion for epub books.
  • filtermd5.py: remove md5s not in known list.
  • findbadlines.py: find encoding errors in stdin.
  • gbk_pua.py: convert PUA codes in GBK to unicode.
  • getautodesk.py: get Moses format parallel text from Autodesk corpus.
  • gettxtcollection.py: merge a txt file collection to one large corpus.
  • haodoo: crawl and download all books from haodoo.net.
  • iconv.py: implements iconv.
  • iso639.json, iso639-to-calibre.py: get ISO639 codes from Wikipedia and convert to calibre po file.
  • jiebazhc: tokenize Classical Chinese using jieba.
  • libpinyin_bopomofo.py: Decorator to use with python-pinyin, to convert Pinyin to Bopomofo. (now useless)
  • ngramfreq.awk: calculate n-gram character frequency.
  • num2chinese.py: convert numbers to Chinese numbers.
  • phrasecombine.py: combine splitted words to large phrases given a dictionary.
  • pwdsort.js, zxcvbn.js: print out password strength according to zxcvbn.
  • pgexplaindot.py: output a GraphViz dot file for EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON).
  • pgviewdep.tcl: output a GraphViz dot file representing view dependencies in a PostgreSQL database.
  • rmdup.c: remove duplicate lines without sort (compile with make, needs libxxhash-dev).
  • simpdump.py: try to find username, email, password and hash from leaked password dumps.
  • splitrecutfilter.py: reads stdin, filters non-chinese sentences and cuts sentences and words.
  • tatoeba: convert tatoeba dumps to a SQLite3 database.
  • wordfreq.awk: calculate word frequency.
  • WWStarClone.py: clone of WWStar, an ancient Classical Chinese translator.
  • zhutil.py: misc. utils for processing Chinese.
  • modelzh.json: model to detect Classical/Modern Chinese.


If not otherwise noted in file, all files are licensed under MIT License.