
The Chopping Block - Interactive meat market to order and track inventory in a realtime database. The app is built in React. To view and use the deployed app "click" link below, "enter" a store name (or use the generated fun name) hit the "visit store" button, "sign in" via fb, twitter or gh, then "load" all the sample meats to start ordering. It's that simple!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Chopping Block - Interactive meat market to order and track inventory in a realtime database. The app is built in React. To view and use the deployed app "click" link below, "enter" a store name (or use the generated fun name) hit the "visit store" button, "sign in" via fb, twitter or gh, then "load" all the sample meats to start ordering. It's that simple! App utilizes a firebase auth for Github, Twitter or Facebook and is deployed to Vercel 😉

github-follow project-languages-used project-top-language license

Built With

React.js node.js Firebase

Table of Contents


  • It is responsive to different screen sizes of devices such as mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Project URL





The Chopping Block Example
screenshot of the-chopping-block


React.js, Node.js, Auth (Facebook, Twitter & Github), Firebase, Vercel Deployment


  • Access to GitHub.com and a code editor such as vscode is necessary
  • Go to https://github.com/johnsonr84/now-thats-delicious
  • Click on the green button that says Clone or Download
  • Choose how you would like to download: using the SSH/HTTPS keys or download the zip file
  • Using SSH/HTTPS Key: You will copy the link shown and open up either terminal (mac: pre-installed) or gitbash (pc: must be installed). Once the application is open, you will type git clone paste url here. Once you have cloned the git repo, cd into the repo and type open. to open the folder which contains all files used for the website. Once inside the folder, click on index.html to open the website in the browser.
  • Using Download ZIP: Click on Download Zip. Locate the file and double click it to unzip the file. Locate the unzipped folder and open it. All the files for the website will be within this folder. Click on index.html to open the website in the browser.


I would like to credit Wes Bos's React For Beginners Course for teaching me the skills necessary to complete this wonderful project and to improve my understanding of React withing a realtime application.


This project is mit licensed.



Email: robertcjohnson1984@gmail.com


Author(s): Rob Johnson
GitHub: https://github.com/johnsonr84/