
Serverless Product ordering microservice built on top of AWS Dynamo DB, Kinesis, SES & SQS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

QuickServe.io: Elevating Your Ordering Experience

QuickServe.io stands as a groundbreaking serverless microservice tailored for seamless product ordering, leveraging the robust capabilities of AWS DynamoDB, Kinesis, SES, and SQS to deliver unparalleled speed and efficiency.

Key Features

  • Effortless Order Placement: Streamlined process for clients to place orders effortlessly.
  • Third-Party Integration: Seamlessly integrate with third-party delivery services for swift order fulfillment, supporting both pickup and delivery options.
  • Order Confirmation and Reviews: Clients can effortlessly confirm orders and share their experiences through a user-friendly review system.
  • Customer Service Integration: Integrate with third-party customer services, allowing users to provide feedback and enhance their overall experience.
  • Email Notifications: Stay informed with timely email notifications.

Cutting-Edge Technology

  • AWS DynamoDB: Powerful NoSQL database for efficient data storage.
  • Kinesis: Real-time data streaming for enhanced responsiveness.
  • SQS: Scalable and fully managed message queuing service.
  • SES: Simple Email Service for reliable and scalable email delivery.
  • Serverless Architecture: Optimal performance with serverless computing technology.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.