
Telegram bot to track your media consumption, built with Golem

Primary LanguageRust

Media Tracker

A Telegram chatbot to track your media consumption: add books read, movies watched and favorite quotes.

Built with Golem Cloud

Golem: https://www.golem.cloud

The main bot worker golem-telegram-bot.wit runs as a single instance, is responsible for getting updates from Telegram Bot API and manages user dialogs.

Each bot's dialog (add book/movie/quote) is implemented as a separate Golem template (add-book-dialog.wit, add-movie-dialog.wit, add-quote-dialog.wit). When a user starts one of these dialogs, the bot creates a Golem worker from the corresponding template and stores the key-value pair: Telegram user id/id of the created worker. Dynamic creation of new workers is done via Golem's REST API.

Thus, when the /add_book command is received, the bot creates a worker from the add-book-dialog.wit template. All subsequent messages from this user are passed to the active dialog (add-book-dialog worker) until it completes its work, i.e. returns the result of the dialog (in this case it is a book object: title, author and rating). After that, the bot removes the worker from the Golem Cloud and deletes the record about it from memory.

This way, Golem takes care of saving the current state of the dialogs, and I don't have to think about explicitly saving that data to external storage in case the bot is updated or crashed.

High-level architecture:

flowchart TD
    tg[Telegram Bot API] <--> bot(GolemMediaTrackerBot)
    bot --> B[Add Book Dialog]
    bot --> M[Add Movie Dialog]
    bot --> Q[Add Quote Dialog]

Single dialog flow:

    actor User
    User ->> Bot: "/add_book"
    Bot -->> AddBookDialog: Create AddBookDialog
    AddBookDialog ->> User: "Enter title:"
    User ->> AddBookDialog: "Catcher in the Rye"
    AddBookDialog ->> User: "Enter author:"
    User ->> AddBookDialog: "J. D. Salinger"
    AddBookDialog ->> User: "Enter rating:"
    User ->> AddBookDialog: "5"
    AddBookDialog ->> Bot: Save book (title, author, rating)
    Bot ->> User: "Added book: Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger (rating: 5)"
    Bot -->> AddBookDialog: Delete AddBookDialog

The bot requires two secret tokens: Telegram Bot API token and Golem Cloud token. They can be passed as environment variables when adding a worker to Golem Cloud:

golem-cli worker add \
  --worker-name golem-telegram-bot-worker \
  --template-name golem-telegram-bot \
  --project-name MediaTrackerTelegramBot \
  --env GOLEM_TOKEN=<token> \
  --env TELEGRAM_TOKEN=<token>


Golem Cloud is currently in preview for developers. This bot is a proof of concept and is not intended to store important information.