
A Javascript Snake game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Snake game built with Pixi.js


  • Snake can be controlled by arrows.
  • Snake food will be placed randomly on screen.
  • Snake food has a random timeout between 4 to 10 seconds
  • Snake elongates itself after eating the food.
  • Every food intake gives 1 point.
  • If the snake hits a boundary, the size of the game area should reduce by 113px and the direction of the snake reverses.
  • Game is over when snake gets in contact with itself.
  • Dimensions of food should be equal to dimension of one segment of the snake.
  • Dimension of food should be 16px X 16px.
  • The game area should be of size 800px X 800px.
  • "Play Again" button should appear once the game is over.
  • In the subsequent gameplays, if the score is greater than the previous gameplay score, then change the color of the score.