If you are looking for an official implementation of delta for dotnet head over to https://github.com/delta-incubator/delta-dotnet
I will decide on the future of this project shortly. Stay tuned!
A dotnet library for Delta Lake.
This project uses Delta Lake, an open-source storage layer that brings ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions to big data workloads.
Delta Lake provides the ability to perform batch and streaming workloads on a single platform with high reliability and performance. It offers schema enforcement and evolution, ensuring data integrity. It also provides a full historical audit trail of all the changes made to the data.
dotnet add package DeltaLake
using DeltaLake;
var table = new DeltaTable.Builder()
await foreach (var batch in table.GetRecordBatches())
using Apache.Arrow;
using Apache.Arrow.Types;
using DeltaLake;
record FooTable(int Id, string? Value) : ITable<FooTable>
public static Schema Schema { get; } = new([
new("id", Int32Type.Default, false, []),
new("value", StringType.Default, true, [])
], []);
public static IEnumerable<FooTable> Enumerate(RecordBatch batch)
for (var i = 0; i < batch.Length; i++)
var idArray = batch.Column(0) as IReadOnlyList<int?> ?? throw new Exception("Expected non-null array");
var valueArray = batch.Column(1) as IReadOnlyList<string?> ?? throw new Exception("Expected non-null array");
yield return new FooTable(idArray[i] ?? throw new Exception("Cannot be null"), valueArray[i]);
var table = new DeltaTable<FooTable>.Builder()
await foreach (var row in table.ReadAll())
Console.WriteLine($"Id: {row.Id}, Value: {row.Value}");
using DeltaLake;
var table = new DeltaTable.Builder()
using DeltaLake;
var table = ...;
using var data = new RecordBatch(table.Schema, [
new Int32Array
new StringArray
], 3);
table = new DeltaTable.Builder()