
A small clojure/clojurescript server for pass

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


A tiny clojure/cljs server to act as a web front-end for pass. And also to play around with clojure and clojurescript. :)

You can check out an example here. There's a test service called "test", and the gpg password used for pass is "test", too.


Pass is awesome. The one thing that scares me is the fear of losing my HD and not having backups. So then I decided to backup my gnupg keys and .password-store with Tarsnap. Except, wait, then I am still relying on having local backups of my keyfile for Tarsnap. I know--I'll put them on S3. Except, wait, either I make them public and encrypt them (which gives an attacker a lot of time to brute force my key), or I make them private... and then I am relying on having my AWS keys available. Ok, I'll just use Dropbox. Except I'm uncomfortable giving Dropbox access to any of this. Ok, I'll put it on my server somewhere. Except I only allow key-based authentication, so now I need to back up my key.

Oh, plus there's the annoyance of not being able to copy and paste passwords from my phone.


In the end, I decided to build a super simple front-end for pass. You send in a service and a password, and if you entered a correct pair, it will send back the encrypted password.

(Not that I don't back stuff up. But once you start thinking about what you'd do if you lost all your passwords, it's hard not to get excessively paranoid.)

Security Considerations

  • Don't run this over unencrypted HTTP!
  • Add some form of rate limiting to prevent brute-forcing.


My goal here was to let Nginx take care of HTTPS and rate limiting. Both the dev server and production servers will run on high ports (I've chosen 8082 and 8081, but choose as you will). Nginx will take care of routing port 443 to the production server.

Configuration works through environmental variables. In development, you set them in profiles.clj. In production, you make an uberjar and execute it with those environmental vars.

  • SERVER_PORT is self-explanatory.
  • SERVER_HOST is too. Just remember that means we'll refuse any non-local connections.
  • PASSWORD_STORE is the location of your .password-store directory. If you're using the defaults for pass, that'll be $HOME/.password-store. But for development it might be a good idea to use a fake one, since submitting your password over any port that Nginx isn't providing secure transport for is bad news.
  • IS_PRODUCTION is, well, this is not ideal. The server needs to know whether to serve the minified, compacted, advanced-compiled production javascript or the development versions. So specifying this means the server will try to serve production scripts; otherwise it'll serve dev versions. There is definitely a better way to go about this, because this smells strongly. But it works for now.


First, create and edit profiles.clj. It should contain the following:

{:dev {:source-paths ["dev"]
	   :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.7"]]
	   :env {:server-port 8082
			 :password-store "/path/to/.password-store"}}}

I'm probably repeating myself by now, but once again, transport encryption is not provided here! So if you're accessing your real password store over port 8082 and entering your real master password, you're revealing your password to anyone listening in. Use a fake password-store if you're accessing the Jetty server directly, instead of through a secure intermediary.

Then run:

lein cljsbuild once
lein repl

In the repl, run (reset) to launch the server, or relaunch it after editing code. If there's an error, reset may be out of scope, in which case, run (refresh). This is Stuart Sierra's Reloaded workflow.


We want to refuse any non-local connections, so the service can only be accessed by being forwarded from an HTTPS connection on 443.

lein clean
lein cljsbuild once prod
lein uberjar
SERVER_PORT=8081 SERVER_HOST= PASSWORD_STORE=/path/to/.password-store IS_PRODUCTION=true java -jar target/pw-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

Sample Nginx Conf

# redirect HTTP to HTTPS
server {
    listen 80;
    server_name your.hostname.here;
    return 301 https://$host$request_uri$is_args$args;
# upstream clojure server
upstream eightyeightyone {
    server fail_timeout=0;
limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=30r/m; # rate limiting
server {
	listen 443 ssl;
	ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl-cert/less.sexy.crt;
	ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl-cert/less.sexy.key;
	root /path/to/repo/resources/public;
	server_name your.hostname.here;
	location / {
		# first try serving static from resources/public.
		# otherwise ask upstream clojure server.
		try_files $uri @eightyeightyone;
	location @eightyeightyone {
		proxy_redirect off;
		proxy_buffering off;
		proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
		proxy_pass http://eightyeightyone;
		limit_req zone=one burst=5;


Copyright 2014 John Swanson

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.