
Simple scraping API for kickstarter.com

Primary LanguageRuby

a simple API for Kickstarter.com


  projects = Kickstarter.by_category(:games, :page => 1)
    # => returns back an array of projects from page 1
  projects = Kickstarter.by_list(:ending_soon, :page => 2, :pages => 3)
    # => returns back an array of 3 pages worth of projects, starting from page 2

A Kickstart::Project has the following attributes:
and methods:
  .details => get more details from about the project, from the Project details page

  :page => X    # which page number of results to return. May be empty
  :pages => Y   # number of pages worth of results. Don't be stupid and request too many pages...

 * support filter by pledge_amount