
nerd project to control youtube access within my home. Intended to be used as a command line switch within home assistant

Primary LanguageGo

Unifi Youtube Killer


CLI to manage traffic filter state on my UDM Pro


So my kids sometimes need to use youtube for their classes, because my county in their infinite wisdom uses if for their online class content. However other times I don't want them to have access. So I needed a way to turn it on and off easily.

Luckley Ubiquity provides means to do this in their UI which is nice ( example below ).

UI Interface

However this means whenever I need to make then change I have to log into this tool, navigate to the right page and then toggle the appropriate filter. As a nerd I found this totally unacceptable and needed a better way.

Personally I use Home Assistant for my home automation and wanted to expose this state trigger as a button within it. This means I needed a bridge to manage auth , present current state, and then toggle the appropriate filter when I deem it necessary. So with this app I can now use it as a command line switches within Home Assistant.


   Youtube - A new cli application

   Youtube [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Grossly over engineered CLI to manage Unifi filter rules on UDM Pro

   status, s  Get current status
   allow, A   Enable allow rule
   block, B   Enable block rule
   help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

Home Assistant

  - platform: command_line
        unique_id: youtube_allow_list
        command_on: /config/youtube allow on
        command_off: /config/youtube allow off
        command_state: /config/youtube allow status

        unique_id: youtube_block_list
        command_on: /config/youtube block on
        command_off: /config/youtube block off
        command_state: /config/youtube block status

which results in something like this

Home Assistant UI

and now I can block my kids youtube from anywhere in the world. Score is Parents: 1, Kids: 0