
An example Kubernetes operator to run distributed pytest

Primary LanguagePython


This is an example Kubernetes operator in Python (using kopf). It allows you to run pytest in a distributed mode. A number of pods will be started to run the actual tests and results collected by the master.

Pytest Example

This is how to run distributed pytest locally. This will be replicated inside kube.

Run socket servers

python socketserver.py

python socketserver.py

Run test

pytest -d --tx socket= --tx socket= --rsyncdir tests tests -v

CRD setup

build docker image for the operator

cd pytest-xdist-k8s

setup docker perms (be careful of what creds in your local config).

kubectl create secret generic regcred \
--from-file=.dockerconfigjson=$(realpath ~/.docker/config.json) \

setup crds

cd setup
kubectl apply -f crd.yml
kubectl apply -f service_account.yml
kubectl apply -f role.yml
kubectl apply -f rolebinding.yml
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

build the docker image for the tests to be run

cd example_tests

create a custom object

kubectl delete pytestxdist.jtes.net test1
kubectl apply -f example-pytestxdist.yml