
A basic Django project to serve as a starting point for other projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Django/React starter project with lots of batteries included. I created it to get started on new projects more quickly and stay up-to-date on the tools I like to use. I'm hoping you'll get something out of it too.

Getting Started


  1. Install the following:

    • Command Line Tools package - xcode-select --install
    • Vagrant
    • VirtualBox
    • Homebrew
    • Ansible - brew install ansible
    • Node.js - brew install node@14
  2. To start the backend and watch for code changes, run the following in a terminal window:

    git clone https://github.com/johnthedebs/basicproject.git
    cd basicproject
    # OR
    django-admin startproject <project_name> --template https://github.com/johnthedebs/basicproject/archive/main.zip
    cd <project_name>
    vagrant up
    vagrant ssh
  3. To build the frontend and watch for code changes, run the following in a second terminal window:

    npm install
    npm start
  4. Visit localhost:8080 in a browser


Cypress tests with npm run test or npm run test-headless.


New Deploy Checklist

  • Set SECRET_KEY in settings.py
  • Rename ops/host_vars/basicproject
    • Set hostname, user, ansile_ssh_host, and ansible_ssh_user
    • Change ops/production to reflect host_vars file name
  • Set hostname, site_name, site_path in group_vars
  • npm install in ops/lets directory
  • Fill out ops/lets/config/example-settings.js and rename to settings.js
  • In conf/production.py
  • Set SENTRY_DSN in conf/webpack.config.js
  • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.1/howto/deployment/checklist/