
A best & newest & fastest rails 6.x template for senior rails developer.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


dao42/rails-template has supported the newest rails 6.0.0 project setup

Maybe the best & newest & fastest rails template for senior rails developer.

It maybe the best starting for your new rails project.

An example built with rails-template: https://github.com/dao42/rails-template-example

Core Idea

dao42/rails-template apply lots of good components for you to make development damn quick.

  1. dao42/rails-template keep the newest easily because it's a real Rails Application Template.
  2. dao42/rails-template love the newest standard components of Rails 6, using webpacker and remove assets pipeline.
  3. dao42/rails-template is out-of-box for your development based on bootstrap4.
  4. dao42/rails-template is out-of-box for your deployment based on mina.

How to use

Install dependencies:

  • postgresql

    $ brew install postgresql

    Ensure you have already initialized a user with username: postgres and password: postgres( e.g. using $ createuser -d postgres command creating one )

  • rails 6

    Using rbenv, update ruby up to 2.5 or higher, and install rails 6.0.0

    $ ruby -v ( output should be 2.5.x or 2.6.x )
    $ gem sources --add https://gems.ruby-china.com/ --remove https://rubygems.com/` (optional, Chinese developer recommend)
    $ gem install rails
    $ rails -v ( output should be rails 6.0.0 )
  • yarn

    Install npm, yarn for webpacker( see install document: https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install)

    $ yarn --version( output should be 1.6.x or higher )
    $ npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org (optional, Chinese developer recommend)


  1. Add gems.ruby-china.com to your bundle mirrors (optional, Chinese developer recommended)

    $ bundle config mirror.https://rubygems.org https://gems.ruby-china.com

  2. Create your own rails app applying rails-template

    $ rails new myapp -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dao42/rails-template/master/composer.rb

    Important!! replace myapp to your real project name, we will generate lots of example files by this name.

  3. Done! Trying to start it.

    $ rails s

What we do

rails-template apply lots of good components for you to make development damn quick.

  1. ActionCable and Turbolinks features are opened by default.

  2. Bootstrap4 and font-awesome are integrated to make your products UI easily, it aslo has some example pages for you to quickly start.

  3. active_storage and local file mode are opened by default.

  4. mina and its plugins are out-of-box for your deployment.

  5. slim, simple_form, kaminari, high_voltage are installed.

  6. adminlte 3 is ready for your administrator dashboard.

  7. rspec, factory_bot_rails, database_cleaner are ready for your testing automation.

  8. Zero-down phase-restart mode is out-of-box with mina-ng-puma.

  9. monit, nginx example, https ssl example, logrotate, backup example is ready for you.

Other gems integrated in rails-template are worth learning seriously.

Integrated mainly technology stack and gems

  • Ruby on Rails 6.0
  • bootstrap 4
  • font-awesome 5
  • figaro
  • postgres
  • slim
  • simple_form
  • high_voltage
  • active_storage
  • sidekiq
  • kaminari
  • mina
  • puma
  • rspec
  • adminlte 3

Starting with webpacker document

Deployment document


  • Add AdminLTE as admin dashboard

Projects that using dao42/rails-template

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