The most important link is the wiki:
- set up the environment correctly
- set up the paths correctly - where is output stored/piped? Recall, it should come back "as expected"
Note that srun and sbatch appear to have the same mechanisms - the environment is inherited from the calling script.
Depending on how it was set up, you may not be able to natively invoke source activate ENV
Modulefiles allow you to manage system environments. This includes setting the PATH for CUDA and other goodies. Please see this link: for a simple modulefile.
# module use /pkgs/environment-modules/
(base) johnchen@v:~$ module load pytorch-36
(base) johnchen@v:~$ module purge
(base) johnchen@v:~$ module list
No modules loaded
(base) johnchen@v:~$ module load pytorch-36
(base) johnchen@v:~$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) pytorch-36
Note: modulefiles are completely optional! You can simply source things in the traditional way . bashrc file
, as in:
Where to find the possible modules to load
Actually load a module in
List the possible modules you can load
Issues with CUDA etc. are independent of modules. But of course, you must ensure that GPU paths and other stuff is set up correctly. The module load
is helpful since it means you don't have to manually control setting export PATH=/pkgs/cuda-9.2/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}
and export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/pkgs/cuda-9.2/lib64/${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}
, for instance.
In particular, you MUST make sure you set these tricky interactions correctly. Therefore, try to use the built-in pytorches where available; and install other things on top of it.
(/h/johnchen/anaconda3_envs/sk-liver1) johnchen@v:~$ module avail
------------------------------------------------------------ /pkgs/environment-modules ------------------------------------------------------------
cuda-11.0 pytorch-1.3.1_cu100 pytorch1.7.1-cuda10.2-python3.6 tensorflow2-gpu-cuda10.1-conda-python3.6
cuda10.2+cudnn-10.2 (L) pytorch-36 pytorch1.7.1-cuda11.0-python3.6 vector_cv_project
mpich-3.3.2 pytorch1.0-cuda9.0-python3.6 tensorflow-gpu-27 virtualgl
nccl_2.6.4-1+cuda10.1 pytorch1.4-cuda10.1-python3.6 tensorflow-gpu-36
L: Module is loaded
Note that ultimately, we want to commit the modulefile/environment file for easy portability. But it is not expressly necesary.
To run jupyter notebook on the server, but be able to edit it from local, just do the following:
ssh -L 9999:localhost:8888
This will port-forward 8888 on the remote machine to your local 9999. To access the jupyter notebook, simply visit
in the browser
- Eval is used to evaluate expressions. Essentially, allows dynamic code parsing (and then execution)
$fooname=100 $fooval=100 Ex. eval "$fooname = $fooval"
This allows us to dynamically set a variable $fooname using a dynamic variable $fooval
Things are whitespace sensitive, make sure you are precise.
- is a conditional expression (evaluation). Returns true or false
2a) we can do if [[ 1==0 ]] && echo my first command || echo second branch of ternary
[[ 1 == 0 ]]
=> evaluates to False
[[1 == 0]]
=> evaluates to True (this is just checking the expression is not null)
as a ternary
In order to sanity check, make sure to:
- set up environment
- run any of the commands
This goes for sbatch/srun as well as conda and other envs.
A discussion on keeping vaughan synced with mars
- glances
- py3nvml
- htop
- gpustat -i
- nvidia-smi
- ncdu
- ctrl alt del (task manager)
- xclip
- ... In general, to get it working, first, make sure it works on srun. Then, move it to the sbatch script! But there were some waysof checking the output log of the sbatch, and seeing the output file. sbatch.out for instance!
- when you run sbatch, then you will get an sbatch.out file where you ran it
Collection of tips and resources useful for running things on Vector servers
Indeed: days that got away: actually learning how the packaging/models etc. work!
Recall we got a taste of this when making a nuget package at OTPP!
OK, so we need to configure the pycharm directory correctly. Probably an $init$, or adding a correct import, or correct path append somewhere!
For the future:
After adding 2FA to your account, you may need to add a personal token
Different partitions and QoS:
(for interactive, the only QoS is no-preemption)
Also: half-life of your usage is 18 days; exponential decay for history of past usage
put checkpoints into