
Figures out which .deb dependencies your'll need to use to get your libraries installed in Iron Worker.

Primary LanguageShell

Iron Worker Dependency Finder

This project figures out what dependencies your libraries need to run on Iron Worker.

Iron Worker, from Iron.io, "runs tasks in the background, in parallel, at massive scale." Your worker may need libraries that are not installed by default in the Iron Worker environment. Unfortunately, you can't use sudo apt-get during your worker build process, because your build process won't have access to sudo.

Alternately, you can use the deb command in your .worker file to install dependencies. However, .deb files don't handle dependencies. You're on your own to figure out which dependencies are needed. And figuring that out can be incredibly painful.

This project makes it simple. It runs a worker on Iron Worker, and spits out a list of dependencies needed for your libraries.


  1. Clone this repo.
git clone https://github.com/johntitus/IronWorkerDebFinder.git
  1. Modify the iron.json file to have your token and project_id.

  2. Upload the worker to Iron Worker.

iron_worker upload depfinder
  1. Queue a task for the worker in the Iron Worker GUI.
  • Log into Iron.io and select your Project workers.

  • Click on the depfinder worker.

  • Click the Queue a Task button. A modal window will open up.

  • In the Payload area of the modal window, put in the name of the libraries you need to use. For example, libphash0-dev cimg-dev.

  • Click Queue Task

  1. Read the Task Log to get a list of the dependencies needed.

The worker outputs the list of dependencies to stdout, which you can read in the Task Log. It should look something like this:

Dependencies for libphash0-dev cimg-dev

Turn each of those dependencies into a deb line in your real worker's .worker file, and you should be good to go!

Important Note

The depfinder worker runs in the ffmpeg-2.3 stack inside of Iron Worker. If you're using a different stack, be sure to modify the depfinder.worker to use whichever stack your worker will be running in.