A log analyzer & web-based browser for K logs.
Requires node.js with bower, grunt, and lessc.
For the node.js tools, after installing node itself, you can use npm as follows:
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install grunt --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-watch --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-less --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-copy --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev
npm install -g less
Recommended env vars:
Create log and cached asset dirs and make them writeable:
mkdir /var/log/kla
chgrp staff /var/log/kla
chmod 775 /var/log/kla
Create the virtualenv and install python dependencies:
# install python 3, at least 3.4.1, eg brew install python3
virtualenv --python=<path_to_python3_install>/bin/python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install front-end dependencies with bower:
bower install
Build CSS and Javascript assets with grunt:
grunt build
Start the Flask development server:
python app.py
Visit the local sites:
We use bower and grunt to manage CSS and Javascript (and fonts and a few other bits and pieces).
If you want to add new components, install using bower, e.g.:
bower install d3
And if you decide to use the new component permanently remember to add it to bower.json.
While you're editing/adding new assets, use grunt to recompile, copy, uglify, etc. You can do a one-off build:
grunt build
... or leave grunt open and watching for changes with:
grunt watch
Note that built assets are not added to the git repository.