- 0
Content not full-size on first paint
#820 opened by jared-jewitt - 2
Invisible pane flickering upon page load
#818 opened by huypham50 - 0
Distinguish between user-drag and window resize
#817 opened by ROTGP - 0
how tp snap to a setting width
#810 opened by chenyingkeai - 0
how to set default sized as flex:1 ?
#809 opened by vaynevayne - 1
split-view-container and sash-container move up when when Pane visible property set to false in vertical mode
#808 opened by ChristopherHButler - 8
- 3
- 0
Not an Issue
#807 opened by soufrabi - 11
preferredSize do not work
#583 opened by huoyingyangjie - 4
[Firefox] Releasing mouse over a button after dragging sash causes button click
#804 opened by laurenga - 0
Default sizes aren't respected on nested allotments when visible is false by default
#799 opened by vonangelo - 3
I get ofter "Index out of bounds"
#720 opened by miquik - 1
Panes do not resize when providing the onReset event
#803 opened by riazus - 2
Change onReset callback logic
#714 opened by OliverWall - 1
Pass border styling as props to allotment
#716 opened by justindoody - 6
Hover delay
#575 opened by kacpermaciejevvski - 5
Allotment - Typedefinition not found
#717 opened by argawow - 0
Grow or shrink container vertically on sash drag
#785 opened by ryandao - 0
Disable and style a specific sash.
#780 opened by ayush1852017 - 1
how to change sash animation time?
#718 opened by PremExtensi - 2
- 0
- 0
Persist Snap
#721 opened by aress31 - 2
- 0
- 1
Invisible panes still render children
#686 opened by elliotfklein - 1
Separator shown with only one visible pane
#685 opened by elliotfklein - 2
Facing issue white writing jest test cases for a module which imports allotment.
#666 opened by avanish-srivastava - 0
When i change visible to `true` -> `false` -> `true`, how do you remember the width?
#692 opened by luke358 - 0
Not working on Preact
#689 opened by danibram - 1
- 1
Right click on a separator
#618 opened by raso-compacer - 0
Vertical collapsible split pane example
#670 opened by Taifunov - 1
508 Accessibility
#639 opened by vhpell - 3
Failed to ref to Allotment.Pane
#582 opened by huoyingyangjie - 1
How to draw a leaflet map in an Allotment
#656 opened by barbalex - 2
How to draw a leaflet map in an Allotment
#655 opened by barbalex - 0
- 0
Percentage or pixels?
#646 opened by WouterrV - 1
- 1
Separator width (style)
#609 opened by AlexR0v - 0
Styling sash when pane is snapped to 0
#620 opened by romanstetsyk - 1
- 2
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './dist/style.css' is not defined by "exports"
#574 opened by LinKassem - 0
- 2
- 2
- 0
Snap to custom size
#578 opened by ptcampbell - 0