
Color Scheme Extractor

Primary LanguagePython


Color Scheme Extractor

This color scheme extractor is coded completely in Python. The application required the following packages:

ColorThief: A module for grabbing the color palette from an image.

pip install colorthief

Matplotlib: Comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations.

pip install matplotlib

WebColors: A library for working with the color formats defined by HTML and CSS.

pip install webcolors

Colorsys: Conversions between color systems.

import colorsys

Core Application Functions

  • Pull top-five dominant colors from an image
  • Gather each color's RGB code, Hexcode, HSV data, HLS data and name of color closest to the RGB code
  • Output swatches and print color data

Sample Image


Color Scheme Swatches


Color Information
