Query google for images using Google's new Custom Search API.
ImageSearch::config()->apiKey('API Goes Here');
ImageSearch::config()->cx('CX Goes Here');
ImageSearch::search('civic'); // returns array of results
You need to have an API key and a CX string, both can be found by taking a look here: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/docs/overview
Use composer to install
composer require devdojo/google-image-search
Set your API and CX string using the config method:
use DevDojo\GoogleImageSearch\ImageSearch;
ImageSearch::config()->apiKey('API Goes Here');
ImageSearch::config()->cx('CX Goes Here');
Once that's done, use the search method to query a specific string of text
You can also pass in some filters as a second parameter as an array.
ImageSearch::search('civic', ['imgSize' => 'large']);
The list of filters can be found on Google's official site:
It'll return an array of results. The images are specifically in the items