
A Python client library for NHS Digital MESH

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MESH Client

A Python client for NHS Digital's MESH API.


pip install mesh_client

Example use

from mesh_client import MeshClient, NHS_DEP_ENDPOINT
with MeshClient(
          cert=('/etc/certs/cert.pem', '/etc/certs/key.pem')  # Mesh uses SSL, so you'll need some certs
        ) as client:

    client.handshake()  # It will work without this, but Spine will complain
    message_ids = client.list_messages()
    first_message = client.retrieve_message(message_ids[0])
    print('Subject', first_message.subject)
    print('Message', first_message.read())

    # Alternatively, iterate
    for message in client.iterate_all_messages():
        with message: # With block will handle acknowledgement
            print('Message', message.read())

    client.send_message('RECIPIENT_MAILBOX', b'Hello World!', subject='Important message')

Guidance for contributors

You should be doing all your development in a virtualenv / venv. You can install everything you need for development with

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pip install -e .

# if using asdf
pip install tox-asdf

We use unittest for tests, and you can run the test suite locally with:

python -m unittest discover . '*_test.py'

We use tox for testing on multiple versions. To run the tox tests, just run:


For releases, we use twine. The rough release process would be:

tox  # Re-run tests, just to be sure
rm dist/*  # Get rid of previous distribution files
python -m build
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
# Check artifacts are uploaded correctly, and that entry on PyPI looks correct
twine upload dist/*
git push --tags