Econometrics (Hanson 2018) - Great introduction to graduate econometrics [pdf]
Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Second Edition (Wooldridge 2010) - Standard reference that should be on every shelf [Book Description]
Regression Modeling Strategies (Harrell 2001) - The first three chapters are required reading -- Frank Harrell knows his statistics. [Book Description]
Applied Nonparametric Econometrics (Henderson and Parmeter 2015) - Start to finish nonparametric econometrics with applications and R code [Book Website] [Personal Bookdown Notes]
Introduction to Statistical Learning (James et al. 2017) - Perfect introduction to statistical learning and predictions [Book Website] [pdf] [Personal Notes] [Python Code]
(In Progress) Fluent Python (Ramalho 2015) - [Book Website]
(In Progress) The Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie et al. 2009) - [Book Website] [pdf]
(In Progress) Hands on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (Geron 2017) - [Book Description] [Personal Notes] [Github]
Introduction to Data Science with R (O'Reilly 2014) [Course Website]
- Introduction to Python
- Intermediate Python for Data Science
- Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)
- Cleaning Data in Python
- Supervised Learning with scikit-learn
- Deep Learning in Python
- Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost
- Intro to SQL for Data Science
- Data Camp Projects
- Where Are the Fishes - Explore acoustic backscatter data to find fish in the U.S. Atlantic Ocean.
- Exploring the evolution of Linus - Find out about the development of the Linux operating system by exploring its Git repository history.
- Dr. Semmelweis and the Discovery of Handwashing - Reanalyse the data behind one of the most important discoveries of modern medicine: Handwashing.
I find the best way to learn a specific algorithm or statistical model is to build one from scratch. The following files are classes and functions that accomplish the most common statistical learning methods on a limited level.
Linear Regression (Gradient Descent): LinearRegression_GD.py
Logistic Regression (Gradient Descent): LogisticRegression_GD.py
Decision Tree: DecisionTree.py
Random Forest: RandomForest.py
Neural Network: NeuralNetwork.py
- Keywords(R, Python, Statistical Modeling, Algorithms)
Builds daily gridded weather data for the continental United States from 1900-2013.
Relative anomaly spline interpolation technique calculates daily weather data for 460,000 2.5km x 2.5km grids in the US. [Tech. Example]
Aggregates down to county level weather data.
Keywords(R, Economics, Climate Change, Weather)
Nonlinear Temperature Distributions [R package] [Python Package]
Calcuate nonlinear temperature distributions degree days and time in each degree.
Measure accounts for the rise and fall of temperatures during the day.
Degree days define time above a specified temperature threshold (e.g. degree days above 30C) and time in each degree define time within a specified temperature threshold (e.g. time in 30C).
Keywords(R, Python, Economics, Climate Change, Agronomy)
Predict wine quality based on biophysical characteristics.
Model using Multinomial logit, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Random Forest, and Extreme Gradient Boosting
Keywords(R, Classification, Economics)