
A lesson for teaching kids how to code. For raspberry pi - python and javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

{blue}shift interview : Lesson Plan

An introductory raspberry pi exercise: scraping and visualizing earthquake data.

Learning Objectives

This lesson will introduce beginner coders to several computing concepts such as:

  • the command line
  • git and github
  • Data and APIs
  • clients and servers
  • relative and absolute paths, plus URLs

Key Skills

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • navigate through their directory structure on the command line
  • clone a github repository and examine its contents
  • open a file in a text editor
  • interpret a path, including identifying relative and absolute paths
  • interpret the anatomy of a URL
  • read and configure a python script to write data fetched from an API to a location in their directory
  • start a local web server to load a local HTML document, visualizing scraped data

Prior Knowledge

It is assumed that students have knowledge in:

  • text editors
  • finders / file explorer graphical interfaces
  • web browsers


It is also assumed that students are using internet-connected raspberry pis installed with terminal, python, git, a text editor and a web browser.

Lesson Schedule

The lesson will consist of a 20 minute framing talk for all students, following by a series of remarks introducing practical coding concepts and subsequent 5-10 minute hands-on workshops in which students explore and experiment with key concepts.

The instructor and support staff, along with any advanced students, will be available to support students during their workshop sessions.

Time Activity
0 Introduction, data, processors
5 Hard drives, local and relative paths, URLs
15 Clients, servers and web APIs
20 Github and git clone [workshop 1]
30 Python, requests and get_earthquakes.py [workshop 2]
45 Web servers with python -m http.server [workshop 3]
55 Conclusions



  • Examining request URL
  • Printing fetched data
  • Writing fetched data to file


  • Relative path to get_earthquakes.py JSON output
  • Viewing site in browser on local web server (python -m http.server)

Key Scripts and Commands

git clone git@github.com:robisoniv/earthquakes.git

