
gHipster = jHipster + gradle

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple project to quickly start developing a web application using AngularJS and Spring boot. This configuration uses gradle and webpack.


  1. java >= 1.8
  2. nodejs >= 5.0 (need ES2015 support)

What's inside


  • Gradle
  • Spring boot
  • Spock test framework


  • Webpack
  • AngularJS 1.x
  • Karma/Jasmine unit tests

Frontend was copied from webpack-angular-es6

To do after clone

./gradlew build

This should invoke for you npm install and get frontend dependencies.

Developement mode

You interact with app on this address:


It's a webpack dev server which proxies requests to backend. If you go to localhost:8080 will be served static files from backend/src/main/resource/public so no changes in frontend dir will affect your ui.

  • backend:

    ./gradlew bootRun

    or from ide:

    run WebsiteApplication

    When working with intelij IDEA you need to compile after each change to make auto-reload work :( Automatic restart

  • frontend: with cd frontend

    npm start

    This command starts webpack that is hotreloading and proxies all calls to /api/* to backend

Build distribution

This command will build fat-jar:

./gradlew build

Serve distribution

Start your distribution:

java -jar backend/build/libs/gHipster-0.1.0.jar

Useful links