
Map-based demos to showcase geospatial functionality in Neo4j.

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Geospatial Graph Demos

Map-based demos to showcase geospatial functionality in Neo4j.

  • Spatial search
    • Radius distance search
    • Bouding box search
    • Point in polygon search
    • Line geometries
  • Routing
    • Airport routing (gds.shortestPath.Dijkstra)
    • OpenStreetMap road network routing (apoc.algo.dijkstra and apoc.algo.aStar)

Spatial Search With Neo4j

See src/index.html

These examples use points of interest from the Daylight Earth Table OpenStreetMap distribution. This Python notebook has the code to import this data into Neo4j.

Radius Distance Search

WITH point({latitude: $latitude, longitude:$longitude}) AS radiusCenter
MATCH (p:Point)-[:HAS_GEOMETRY]-(poi:PointOfInterest)-[:HAS_TAGS]->(t:Tags) 
    WHERE point.distance(p.location, radiusCenter) < $radius
RETURN p {  latitude: p.location.latitude, 
            longitude: p.location.longitude, 
            name: poi.name, 
            categories: labels(poi),
            tags: t{.*}
        } AS point

See src/index.html

Bounding Box Search

MATCH (p:Point)-[:HAS_GEOMETRY]-(poi:PointOfInterest)-[:HAS_TAGS]->(t:Tags) 
    WHERE point.withinBBox(
        point({longitude: $lowerLeftLon, latitude: $lowerLeftLat }), 
        point({longitude: $upperRightLon, latitude: $upperRightLat}))
RETURN p {  latitude: p.location.latitude, 
            longitude: p.location.longitude, 
            name: poi.name, 
            categories: labels(poi),
            tags: t{.*}
        } AS point

See src/index.html

Point In Polygon Search

Index backed point in polygon search can be accomplished by first converting the polygon to a bounding box, using Cypher's point.withinBBox predicate function to find points within the bounding box (using database index), and then filtering the results on the client to the polygon bounds. Here, using Turf.js:

const polygon = layer.toGeoJSON();
var bbox = turf.bbox(polygon); // convert polygon to bounding box

// Within Bounding Box Cypher query
const cypher = `
    MATCH (p:Point)-[:HAS_GEOMETRY]-(poi:PointOfInterest)-[:HAS_TAGS]->(t:Tags) 
    WHERE point.withinBBox(
        point({longitude: $lowerLeftLon, latitude: $lowerLeftLat }), 
        point({longitude: $upperRightLon, latitude: $upperRightLat}))
    RETURN p { latitude: p.location.latitude, 
               longitude: p.location.longitude, 
               name: poi.name, 
               categories: labels(poi),
               tags: t{.*}
            } AS point

var session = driver.session({
    database: "osmpois",
    defaultAccessMode: neo4j.session.READ,

    .run(cypher, {
        lowerLeftLat: bbox[1],
        lowerLeftLon: bbox[0],
        upperRightLat: bbox[3],
        upperRightLon: bbox[2],
    .then((result) => {
        const bboxpois = [];
        result.records.forEach((record) => {
            const poi = record.get("point");
            var point = [poi.longitude, poi.latitude];
        // filter results of bouding box query to polygon bounds
        const poisWithin = turf.pointsWithinPolygon(

        poisWithin.features.forEach((e) => {

See src/index.html

Line Geometry Search

See src/strava.html

Working with Line geometries in Neo4j using Strava data. To import data, first export user data from Strava then to add activities:

// Create Activity Nodes
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///activities.csv" AS row
MERGE (a:Activity {activity_id: row.`Activity ID`})
SET a.filename = row.Filename,
    a.activity_type = row.`Activity Type`,
    a.distance = toFloat(row.Distance),
    a.activity_name = row.`Activity Name`,
    a.activity_data = row.`Activity Date`,
    a.activity_description = row.`Activity Description`,
    a.max_grade = toFloat(row.`Max Grade`),
    a.elevation_high = toFloat(row.`Elevation High`),
    a.elevation_loss = toFloat(row.`Elevation Loss`),
    a.elevation_gain = toFloat(row.`Elevation Gain`),
    a.elevation_low = toFloat(row.`Elevation Low`),
    a.moving_time = toFloat(row.`Moving Time`),
    a.max_speed = toFloat(row.`Max Speed`),
    a.avg_grade = toFloat(row.`Average Grade`)

// Parse geojson geometries and create Geometry:Line nodes
MATCH (a:Activity) 
WITH a WHERE a.filename IS NOT NULL AND a.filename CONTAINS ".gpx"
MERGE (n:Geometry {geom_id:a.activity_id })
WITH n,a
CALL apoc.load.json('file:///' + replace(a.filename, '.gpx', '.geojson')) YIELD value
UNWIND value.features[0].geometry.coordinates AS coord
WITH n, collect(point({latitude: coord[1], longitude: coord[0]})) AS coords
SET n.coordinates = coords
SET n:Line

Radius distance search using line geometry and any Cypher list predicate function:

WITH point({latitude: $latitude, longitude: $longitude}) AS radiusCenter
MATCH (g:Geometry) 
    WHERE any(
        p IN g.coordinates WHERE point.distance(p, radiusCenter) < $radius
RETURN [n IN g.coordinates | [n.latitude, n.longitude]] AS route


Airport Routing

Using the Graph Data Science Neo4j Sandbox dataset.

See src/airports.html

Airport routing using gds.shortestPath.Dijkstra:

MATCH (source:Airport {iata: $from}), (target:Airport {iata: $to})
CALL gds.shortestPath.dijkstra.stream('routes-weighted', {
    sourceNode: source,
    targetNode: target,
    relationshipWeightProperty: 'distance'
}) YIELD path
RETURN [n IN nodes(path) | [n.location.latitude, n.location.longitude]] AS route

OpenStreetMap Road Network Routing

See OSMnx Neo4j Experiments repo for dataset.

MATCH (source:Intersection {osmid: $from}), (target:Intersection {osmid: $to})
CALL apoc.algo.dijkstra(source, target, 'ROAD_SEGMENT', 'length')
YIELD path, weight
RETURN [n in nodes(path) | [n.location.latitude, n.location.longitude]] AS route

See src/osm_routing.html

To enable searching for points of interest and addresses a full text index can be used:

CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX search_index IF NOT EXISTS FOR (p:PointOfInterest|Address) ON EACH [p.name, p.full_address] 
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("search_index", $searchString) 
YIELD node, score
RETURN coalesce(node.name, node.full_address) AS value, score, labels(node)[0] AS label, node.id AS id
MATCH (to {id: $dest})-[:NEAREST_INTERSECTION]->(source:Intersection) 
MATCH (from {id: $source})-[:NEAREST_INTERSECTION]->(target:Intersection)
CALL apoc.algo.dijkstra(source, target, 'ROAD_SEGMENT', 'length')
YIELD path, weight
RETURN [n in nodes(path) | [n.location.latitude, n.location.longitude]] AS route

See src/address_routing.png.
