
An implementation of PCA using Power Method in SVD computation

Primary LanguagePython


An implementation of PCA using Power Method in computing SVD


The paper detailing the approaches and analysis used in this project can be found at: https://github.com/johnzhang1999/PowerPCA/blob/master/docs/21_241_Final_Paper__Power_Method_for_SVD%20FINAL%20-%20Yiwen%20Zhang%2C%20John%20Zhang.pdf

Code Structure

├── ImgOps.py //implementation of PCA using power_method() in PowerMethod.py
├── ImgOps_naive.py //implementation of PCA using the naive svd() in svd.py
├── PowerMethod.py //our implementation of the required power_method() can be found in this OOP encapsulation.
├── README.md //this file
├── main.py //generating PCA compressed images using ImgOps.py
├── out_img //PCA image output directory
│   ├── mackey-1.png
│   ├── mackey-10.png
│   ├── mackey-15.png
│   ├── mackey-2x3.png
│   └── mackey-5.png
├── src_img //PCA image input directory
│   ├── jacobo.png
│   ├── mackey.png
│   └── scs.png
├── svd.py //implementation of naive SVD
└── timing.py //generating timing statistics


John Zhang, Yiwen Zhang
21-241 Matrices and Linear Transformations
Carnegie Mellon University