
A demo project based on Laravel5.8 and Vue2

Primary LanguagePHP


A demo project based on Laravel5.8 and Vue2(Frontend separated with Backend)

Preconditions for this app to run

  1. php 7.1+
  2. mysql 5.6+
  3. node 12.18.4
  4. npm 6.14.6
  5. nginx

The main package dependencies for this project

For Laravel part

  1. tymon/jwt-auth ^1.0
  2. lcobucci/jwt 3.3.3
  3. guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.5(Laravel 6+ may come with it at default)
  4. aws/aws-sdk-php ^3.216
  5. intervention/image ^2.7
  6. picqer/php-barcode-generator ^0.3.0
  7. setasign/fpdi ^2.3
  8. setasign/fpdi-fpdf ^2.3
  9. setasign/fpdi-tcpdf ^2.3

For Vue2 part

  1. axios ^0.26.0
  2. element-ui ^2.15.6
  3. js-cookie ^2.2.1
  4. js-md5 ^0.7.3
  5. jsencrypt ^3.0.0-rc.1
  6. sass ^1.32.0
  7. sass-loader ^10.1.0
  8. vue-i18n ^8.22.0

Instructions for the Backend depolyment

  1. cd YOUR_WEB_ROOT/backend/bootstrap and create a new directory(cache) via 'mkdir cache' command;
  2. cd .. and then run 'composer install'
  3. copy or touch a .env file and paste the proper configuration values to it.
  4. Run php artisan jwt:secret or set a JWT_SECRET=XXXXX at the end of .env
  5. Create a database and a credentials for it and set it into the .env file
  6. Run php artisan migrate to build the db table instructure.
  7. Edit the seeder file YOUR_WEB_ROOT/backend/database/seeds/BookDataGatherSeeder and uncomment all code lines in the run() method of this seeder and save it.
  8. Run php artisan db:seed --class=BookDataGatherSeeder to gather some books from an online book website.
  9. Edit the seeder file YOUR_WEB_ROOT/backend/database/seeds/CreateAdminUserSeeder and uncomment all code lines in the run() method of this seeder and save it.
  10. Run php artisan db:seed --class=CreateAdminUserSeeder to create a admin user and a member user for this application.

Instructions for the Frontend depolyment

  1. cd YOUR_WEB_ROOT/frontend and create a new directory(dist) via 'mkdir dist' command;
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run build

Finally, just depoly it as you depoly other website in nginx.



root /YOUR_WEB_ROOT/frontend/dist;

location / {

	`index 	index.html index.htm;`

	`try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;`



location ~ \.php$ {

	`root	/YOUR_WEB_ROOT/backend/public;`

	`fastcgi_pass unix:/dev/shm/php-cgi.sock;`

	`fastcgi_index index.php;`

	`fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;`

	`include fastcgi.conf;`


