
I'm trying to write a twitter based text adventure in go. It may or may not get finished.

Primary LanguageGo

Go Adventure

I have no idea what I'm doing



One day this will be the finest twitter based novelty text adventure engine in all the lands.

Right now it's a git log of embarrassment as I learn a new programming language. When it's a bit further along, I'll ask for some help/feedback, but for right now just let me struggle along myself.


I haven't decided yet, for right now consider it plain old copyright.


  • main game loop with input and output goroutines
  • read & write from twitter API
  • have "interactive" mode to mock twitter for dev
  • persistently store tweet reply status (for avoiding spam)
  • persistently store game state
  • data structures for game -> scenes -> choices
  • file loading/parsing for game data
  • robust command parsing/handle synonyms etc
  • Handle twitter "duplicate" errors (code 187)
  • Write the most baller choose your own adventure script in all the lands.

Code review notes

  • tomb package for proper stopping on control channels
  • using this/self is kinda discouraged (rob pike, single chars, fuck that)
  • go fmt -r (renames stuff by magic)
  • start developing against 1.1 (compatible and faster)
    • do not set go root
    • build from source (or homebrew)
    • use abs path
  • check out "go check" or https://github.com/remogatto/prettytest
  • if you're writing a library do executable examples
  • read https://gobyexample.com/