Role Based Access Control (RBAC) in Azure Static Web Apps (SWA)

Build a secure web app with Azure SWA and Azure Active Directory App Roles



  • Frontend: React
  • Backend: Managed Azure Functions (Python)
  • Authentication: Custom authentication provider with Azure AD
  • Authorization: Role-based access control (RBAC) with Azure AD App Roles


Manual deployment

Create an Azure Static Web App.


Follow the steps in the blog post.

Automatic deployment with Infrastructure as Code (IaC)


  1. Install terraform and cdktf cli, follow here
  2. pip install -r requirements-infra.txt
  3. run cdktf provider add azure/azapi followed by cdktf get. This is necessary as the azapi provider itself is not yet published to pypi and needs to be retrieved via the terraform binding mechanism ( see here for more information). For that, the cdktf-cli (installed by npm) and the cdktf python package need to have the same version
  4. Create an azure service principal for infrastructure deployment
  5. Create a resource group in azure and grant the service principal contributor rights to it (the SP will be used by terraform and needs contributor rights for resource creation/management)
  6. Create a storage account and container within the resource group (this will be used as the remote backend for the terraform state)
  7. Create a PAT in GitHub. This allows Terraform to access your GitHub repository
  8. Run cp .env-infra.example .env-infra and fill all the configuration of .env-infra with data of steps from 3-6
  9. Deploy with cdktf apply

Further manual steps

You need to add two secrets to your GitHub repository: Go to your GitHub repository -> Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions and click on new repository secret. Name it ARM_TENANT_ID and enter the tenant uuid here.

Backend versions