
Prime Number Generator - Quick and Simple - 64 Bit Numeric Range

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Fast and Simple 64-bit Prime Generator

What it is

qprimes is a fast console program, computing all prime numbers between a specified minimum and maximum value of range [0, 264 - 1].


  • Build: gcc main.c -O3 -lm -o qprimes
  • Run qprimes MIN MAX to generate prime numbers between [MIN, MAX].
  • MIN, MAX can be expressed in decimal form or, if preceded by 0x, in haxadecimal form.
  • Run qprimes without arguments for more options.

Quick Example

$ git clone https://github.com/johsteffens/qprimes
$ cd qprimes
$ gcc main.c -O3 -lm -o qprimes
$ ./qprimes 10000000001099 10000000001199

4 primes between 10000000001099 and 10000000001199
Heap size: 197899 Bytes


qprimes uses a mix of sieving and paging.

First, a list of all primes between 2 and MAX1/2 is generated. That list is used to determine primes in the desired value range.

Speed and Memory

With n := MAX1/2 and r := MAX - MIN:

  • Processing time is about O( n log log n ) for r << n.
  • Memory requirement is about O( n ).

The maximum possible heap memory usage is around 270 MBytes.

Timing Example

This test computes the last few primes below 264. It is the worst case for the gven prime window size. Smaller primes will compute faster.

Platform Time
AMD RyzenTM 9 7950X 9 seconds
IntelR CoreTM i7 6700 22 seconds
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ 250 seconds
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B 370 seconds


Prime numbers are needed in various disciplines of numerical processing. I wrote this generator because arbitrary prime numbers above, say 240, were not so easy to find on public sources.

© Johannes B. Steffens