
SQLite flutter plugin

Primary LanguageDartBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This is a fork from the plugin sqflite. Up to date with version 1.1.7+2

This fork adds an optional parameter "password" to open encrypted databases.

The SQLCipher version of the plugin is 4.10. If you try to open a database encrypted with a lower version of SQLCipher, the plugin will try to migrate it to a new version using the operation PRAGMA cipher_migrate (This automatic migration to version 4 is only done in Android. PR welcome for this feature in iOS).


To add it in your project include this in the pubspec.yml.

  sqflite: (whichever since it will be overriden with this fork)

      url: https://www.github.com/joielechong/sqflite_sqlcipher.git
      path: sqflite
      ref: 13d0fd521664f762b0673733447dea5cebd6d0d2

Dependency overrides are used to avoid conflict with other projects that depend on "normal" sqflite. For example https://github.com/renefloor/flutter_cache_manager


To use SqlCipher version 4 and be consistent on both Android and iOS, include this in the Podfile

pod 'SQLCipher', '~>4.1.0'

If you try to use a database encrypted with a SqlCipher version lower than 4, the version in the Podfile can be changed to a lower one '~>3.4.2'. But note that if doing that, the running database on Android will be version 4 (since it migrates automatically) and on iOS will be version 3.


If using ProGuard, add the following rules:

-keep class net.sqlcipher.** { *; }
-keep class net.sqlcipher.database.* { *; }

Build Status

SQLite plugin for Flutter. Supports both iOS and Android.

  • Support transactions and batches
  • Automatic version management during open
  • Helpers for insert/query/update/delete queries
  • DB operation executed in a background thread on iOS and Android
