
An intro to Server Side Swift using Vapor

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Server Side Swift w/ Vapor

An intro to Server Side Swift using Vapor (Note: This is based on Vapor v1.5)


  1. Installing Vapor
  2. Installing Heroku CLI


  1. Hello, World! Vapor Tut
  2. Vapor Folder Structure
  3. Basic Routing
  4. Request Object


  1. Vapor Community
  2. Vapor Documentation
  3. Swift Modules

Examples of Server Side Swift

  1. NSDateFormatter - Code
  2. NSDateFormatter - Site
  3. NSURL - Code
  4. NSURL - Site
  5. String Filter - Code
  6. String Filter - Site


  1. How to Run Vapor with Docker in Heroku


What is it?

An open source, server side Swift framework. It will allow you to write web apps and RESTful API's using the language you already know and love.

Why learn it?

  1. Not many people know it (marketable)
  2. It's impressive (unique skill)
  3. You can create your own backend (!!!!!)
  4. You can create web apps (!)

Starting off

Once you have Vapor installed on your machine, you can create a new Vapor project from a default template by running

vapor new <project-name>

vapor new <project-name> vapor ascii logo

This will create a new project in your current directory. Out of the box, the vapor template is just a Swift module template with libraries specifically used by Vapor (see Folder Structure). To actually start working with it inside our IDE, Xcode, we need to run one more command in the root of the project:

vapor xcode -y

vapor xcode

Running this command will not only create the Xcode project, but it will also build the dependancies needed for our project (more on this later). This stage will take a little bit of time to perform as Vapor will be fetching dependancies. The -y parameter will have Vapor automatically open the xcode project after building it.

With XCode open, switch your schema to use the executable App schema (denoted by a little terminal window icon) on My Mac and Build the project.

Run the Executable App Target > My Mac Schema

You should now be able to Run the project. Doing so will launch a local server on your Mac. To verify, go to


You should see a simple message from Vapor.

It works - Vapor

And that's it for getting up your environment started!


Making Requests

We're going to be writing our code in the Sources/App/main.swift file. Delete the boilerplate code besides

	import Vapor
	import HTTP // you'll have to add this import 

	let drop = Droplet()


The Droplet object is the singleton that will be managing all of your Vapor actions.


You may have touched upon, or heard of, routes in your studies. In Swift, there is a design pattern that uses Routes to transition between view controllers. From my understanding, this comes from web architecture where routes describe the various paths you could take when navigating a website. For example, on github.com you would have a route that corresponds to each registered user's account:

// `github.com` is the base url any any other page is some route from there. 

You just don't GET me!

Ok let's say we're making an amazing CatAPI for logging when we see cats. We'll want this API to return lists of cats that we've seen and we should be able to log new cat sightings.

We have to start somewhere, so let's start with a basic GET to make sure that we can communicate with the site. So just after we instatiate the Droplet, add in:

// creates a /cats route
drop.get("cats") { (request: Request) in

Calling get on drop creates a new GET route for our API and names it /cats. We can't compile/run just yet because the closure needs one of three things:

  1. It needs to throw
  2. It needs to return something (a Node for example)
  3. It needs to return a response (something conforming to ResponseRepresentable)

so let's continue with:

// creates a /cats route
drop.get("cats") { (request: Request) in
  return "We've got all the cats"

Now if we run and go to locahost:8080/cats we can verify that we can see our text!

All the cats!

More common than returning a string from an API is returning some JSON. Vapor has a built in class, JSON, that essentially acts as a wrapper on dictionaries (it's very similar to the JSON de/serialization we've done). So instead of returning a single string, let's return a JSON response:

// creates a /cats route
drop.get("cats") { (request: Request) in
  // return "We've got all the cats"
  return try JSON(node: ["all": ["Mittens", "Socks", "Garfield"]])

We mark the return with try because the conversion to JSON can throw (just like in our practice of serialization). This is pretty neat on its own, but it becomes more salient what is happening if we run the request through Postman. Go ahead and try that now.

JSON cats!

Looking for Specific Cats (Parameterization)

Let's say we had a multitude of cats, just like we have a multitude of users. How would we specify the route needed for each one of them? Well, let's agree that our cats are registered numerically and that we can access their particular instance by going to /cats/{id} where id is an Int value corresponding to their id.

It possible to do something like

// creates /cats/1
drop.get("cats", "1") { (request: Request) in
  return "The cat id is \(1)"

// creates /cats/2
drop.get("cats", "2") { (request: Request) in
  return "The cat id is \(2)"

Many cat members

But that would take up too much time to do for each cat. So instead, we create a parameterized method call:

drop.get("cats", ":id") { (request: Request) in
  guard let catId = request.parameters["id"]?.int else {
    throw Abort.notFound
  return "The cat id is \(catId)"

There are a number of properties on the request object that can be checked for different bits of information that correspond to parameters/queries/headers/etc we'd pass in code when constructing our Swift URL object. In this case, we're constructing something that will look like localhost:8080/cats/<int>. We check the parameters property of request and look for a key of id, which corresponds to the second string parameter we passed in the get call.

Any Cat with an ID

Vapor gives us another option to ensure type safety:

// in this version, you specify the parameter type and include a var for it in the closure
drop.get("cats", Int.self) { (request: Request, id: Int) in 
	return "The cat id is \(id)"

This also gives us the opportunity to look at the errors we can throw. There are a large number of built-in errors that can be utilized to indicate that a problem has occured, and Vapor allows for you to create your own custom ones as well.

drop.get("cats-error") { (request: Request) in
  throw Abort.custom(status: .internalServerError, message: "Cats are tangled up in the computer cables.\nTry again later")

Error getting cats!! NOOOO


If you're thinking that we'll probably need to define a model for our theoretical Cats object... well, I guess I taught you well :D

In order to build up to, and understand the Model protocol, we need to begin with the NodeRepresentable, JSONRepresentable and ResponseRepresentable protocols


This protocol needs two methods:

func makeNode(context: Context) throws -> Node
func makeNode() throws -> Node

What is a Node? Glad you asked:

Node is meant to be a transitive data structure that can be used to facilitate conversions between different types.

It's an object that we can convert between Bool, Int, String, Array, etc. easily if needed/possible. Let's try conforming to this protocol.

  1. Create a new Swift file, named Cats
  2. Selected the app's executable target for the file
  3. Place it in the /Sources/App/Models folder
  4. Import Vapor and HTTP

We'll give the Cat class three properties: name, breed, and preferredSnack. Creating the Node is straightforward since it is overloaded to accept dictionary literals:

import Foundation
import Vapor
import HTTP

class Cat: NodeRepresentable {
  var name: String!
  var breed: String!
  var preferredSnack: String!
  init(name: String, breed: String, preferredSnack: String) {
    self.name = name
    self.breed = breed
    self.preferredSnack = preferredSnack
  func makeNode() throws -> Node {
    return try Node(node: ["name": self.name,
                           "breed": self.breed,
                           "preferredSnack": self.preferredSnack])
  func makeNode(context: Context) throws -> Node {
    return try makeNode()

Ignore the Context parameter for now. It's there to allow easy extensibility for other modules

And back in our main.swift file, add in:

drop.get("cats", "mittens") { request in
  return try JSON(node: Cat(name: "Mittens", breed: "American Shorthair", preferredSnack: "Chicken"))

Now run and check localhost:8080/cats/mittens.

The reason we need to wrap up the Cat object in a JSON initialization is that the close expects to return an object of type ResponseRepresentable, which JSON conforms to but NodeRepresentable does not.


Fortunately, we can get JSONRepresentable for free as long as we conform to NodeConvertible as well (an extension gives a default implementation for cases were Self: NodeRepresentable). What does that mean for us? A tiny bit less code:

drop.get("cats", "mittens") { request in
  return try Cat(name: "Mittens", breed: "American Shorthair", preferredSnack: "Chicken").makeJSON()


OK we're almost there!

Got a sense for naming conventions in the Vapor library by now? You should, it's all about how data can be represented that ensure the kind of guarantees we need. Each xxxxxRepresentable ensures that the object can behave in ways that the library expects. In this case, ResponseRepresentable ensures that we can have a Response object, which is directly analogous to an HTTP response we'd get in Postman or an HTTPURLResponse object in Swift.

Here's the best part though: something that is JSONRepresentable has a .makeResponse() function that returns a Response! So for our class, after saying we conform to ResponseRepresentable, we just need to one necessary function to Cat.swift:

  func makeResponse() throws -> Response {
    return try self.makeJSON().makeResponse()

And for our code we can simply say:

drop.get("cats", "mittens") { request in
  return Cat(name: "Mittens", breed: "American Shorthair", preferredSnack: "Chicken")


POST Requests

Great, we know how to request data back from our API, but we'll likely need to POST some up as well. For now, we're just going to make it work and in the future we'll take a look at persistant storage.

Request info

You can inspect the Request object for query params, header info, body info etc.. the way this is tested is via Postman (just be sure to set breakpoints ahead of time before you build/run). In our case, we're going to pass in some values via a Request's httpBody and check for their existance in our Droplet closure.

Setting up a POST endpoint is similar to GET and we can test the results via Postman:

drop.post("cats") { (request: Request) in
  return "You're posting cats"

Now that making the request works, let's start unpacking data by first checking to see if in the JSON body that was passed in the request has a key named name:

drop.post("cats") { (request: Request) in
  guard let catName = request.json?["name"]?.string else {
    throw Abort.badRequest

  return "Cat name was: \(catName)"

Assuming we want to create a fully-fledged Cat that meets our model's needs, let's pass more key-value pairs in the body and look for them:

drop.post("cats") { (request: Request) in
  guard let catName = request.json?["name"]?.string,
        let catBreed = request.json?["breed"]?.string,
        let snack = request.json?["preferredSnack"]?.string
  else {
    throw Abort.badRequest
  let newCat = Cat(name: catName, breed: catBreed, preferredSnack: snack)
  let responseCat = try newCat.makeResponse()
  print("Cat successfully posted: \(responseCat)")
  return responseCat


Next Time:

  1. Redirects
  2. Groups
  3. Validation
  4. Leaf

Next Next Time:

  1. Dependencies
  2. Database Options
  3. CRUD Actions
  4. Deploying