

Summary of capstone

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Labs and Lessons

Pre-Reading Lesson Activity
1 N/A Weekly Tracker and Other Resources N/A
2 Product Ideation Ideation Ideation
3 Technical Interview Technical Interview Peer Technical Interview
4 Take Home Challenges Take Home Challenges Take Home Challenge 1
5 Behavioral Interview Behavioral Interview Behavioral Interview
6 Pairing on a Take Home Pairing on a Take home Pairing on a Take home
7 App Planning App Planning App Planning
8 Software Dev w. Teams Software Dev w. Teams Software Dev w. Teams
9 Git/GitHub w. Teams Git/GitHub w. Teams Git/GitHub w. Teams
10 Public Speaking Public Speaking Public Speaking
10 Presentation Prep Presentation Prep Presentation Prep
11 Take Home Challenge 2 Take Home Challenge 2 Take Home Challenge 2

Individual Project Code Wars

Your goal will be to accumulate at certain number of points points on code wars during this module. The more points you acquire the more likely you are to pass a technical interview.

Ranking system

You will be tracked with Pursuit's Code Wars Tracker

Capstone Project

Details forthcoming