Veterinarian API

This server is intended to be used with the Veterinarian front-end projects.


This server is created using the json-server NPM package.

Some of the data came from this Kaggle dataset.


The following resources exist:

  • Pets: /api/pets
  • Owners: /api/owners
  • Owners/Pets: /api/owners_pets
  • Employees: /api/employees


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. npm install
  3. npm start

Deployment with Heroku

  1. Install the Heroku CLI.
  2. Login to your Heroku CLI with heroku login.
  3. heroku create
  4. git push heroku main

Setting up Heroku Scheduler

If students will be modifying the data from this API, it is a good idea to regularly reset the database. You can do so by using the Heroku Scheduler.

From the command line, run the following command:

heroku addons:create scheduler:standard

Then, run the following command:

heroku addons:open scheduler

Finally, add a new job. You can set the npm run reset-db command to run as often as you like.

Image of the scheduler config.