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CSharpGL is a 3D graphics library based on OpenGL in pure C#. It wraps OpenGL API(buffer, shader, state, texture, matrix etc) and demonstrates how to express high-level functions(scene, text, picking, UI etc) with CSharpGL library.
supports picking primitives in multiple vertex buffer objects using Mouse.
Rendering 'Control' at fixed position with fixed size.
For example, UIAxis
renders an axis at left bottom corner.
All kinds of controls binds to specified border just like winform-control.
Rendering text using glRasterPos()
and CallList()
Rendering text using UIText
Simple edge-detection implemented by compute shader.
Particle's speed and position is updated by compute shader.
10000 particles with a sphere inside a cube.
An earth model that singly rotates same as real earth. It's composed of 65341 positions, normals and uvs and 130140 indexes and a 10800x5400 texture.
Billboard can be used to display health-bar, damage numbers in game application.
renders a string at specified position which always faces camera.
ambient, diffuse and specular light effect from directional light.
Useful tool to build a scene and feels how opengl's transform system works.
RendererGenerator is a tiny console that reads an xml config file and dumps a Renderer.cs, a Model.cs, a vertex shader file(.vert) and a fragment shader file(.frag). A demo is shown as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RendererGenerator TargetName="Demo" ZeroIndexBuffer="false" DrawMode="Points">
<VertexAttribute NameInShader="in_Position" NameInModel="position" AttributeType="vec3" />
<VertexAttribute NameInShader="in_TexCoord" NameInModel="texCoord" AttributeType="vec2" />
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