Sketch to use an ESP mit Arduino as a RF remote for chap-ass power outlets (BH9938)
Step 1: install Arduino IDE
Step 2: Add to File -> Preferences -> Additional Boards.. the url:
Step 3: Tools -> Boards Manager.. install ESP8266 by esp community
Step 4: Connect your device prefferably WeMos and set serial port And connect a 4433Mhs transmitter to pin D6 (or other you specify later in the web ui)
Step 5: set ssid and password to your wifi crendentails
Step 6: Upload sketch. Open Tools -> Serial Monitor with 115200 Baud rate
Step 7: Successful connect will show ip Use your browser to open the ip http://<ip.of.the.device>
A simple UI will show up. You can control the parameters and the corresponding url that can be used to perform the action will be shown