Simple quake bot for reporting match results via a telegram group bot for nQuake servers. Users that join the telegram bot group will receive match results once a match has ended via telegram.
- nQuake:
- nQuake server:
- Telegram client:
When a match finishes in a nQuake server, a demo is saved to the nquakesv/ktx/demo folder. The script run by the cron job called '' checks for new demos being added to the demo folder, and if so:
- Parses the .txt file and pushes this to a S3 bucket
- Signals a SNS topic to trigger the notification_function lambda
- The 'notification_function' lambda will then take that file from s3 and post it to any telegram chats that are subscribed
The bot is made using telegram & AWS (free tier only) This project uses AWS features to host the nQuake server and push bot notifications AWS features used:
- Lambda
- S3
- EC2
- Download Telegram for either Windows, Linux, Andriod, ios, etc...
- Setup a telegram bot via Botfather:
- Add the new bot to a chat or group chat
- Create an AWS Ubuntu EC2 instance with a public facing IP
- Create an AWS S3 bucket
- Create an AWS SNS topic
- Create an AWS lambda function
- Edit the new lambda function:
- Insert contents of ''
- Replace value of 'BUCKET' with your s3 bucket name
- Replace value of 'TELE_TOKEN' with your created bots token
- Replace value of 'CHAT_ID' with the ID of the chat that contains the bot (
- Set lambda trigger as your created SNS topic
- SSH into your new EC2 instance
- Install the nQuake server:
- Ensure nQuake server is running and visible via the in-game server browser
- Clone this repo locally (then ftp the edited files to the EC2 instance)
- Edit '':
- Replace the value of 'BUCKET' with your S3 bucket name
- Replace the value of 'SNS' with your created SNS topic's ARN
- Setup a cron to run '' periodically (See cron_example.txt)
- Play a match until end on your nQuake server
- Observe that the match results are posted to your telegram bot
If I were to revisit this in future I would automate most of the of the steps above such as: Setting up the AWS environment and creating a bash installation file to prompt the user for required ID's.
I would also create a sign-up lambda function that would receive chat_id's and save them to a table. Then modify the notification lambda to send results to a list of chat id's, Because as of right now the notification lambda can only send messages to one chat.