A library with fundamental functions needed by most of my Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey scripts.
It provides the following functions:
- cross-site request function, that is not subject to CORS rules and leverages GM_xmlHttpRequest.
- TTL cache so that you don't need to hammer sites with redundant requests, and allows the user script quickly access auxiliary data from other sites.
- QuerySelector alias for the Firefix/Chrome built-in
function, for reducing the boiler plate code otherwise needed when searching for DOM elements.
The library is kept to a minimum, containing only the absolute top set of functions I've re-implemented at least 5 times over the last 15 years. Any new function will only be added once I've noticed a clear pattern that the function is essential most of the time.
It's published to allow me to source it in new user scripts and save a lot of boiler plate typing.
GMLib() -> {$$, GMXHR, Cache}
, returns an object with all contained functions that can be deconstructed (subset chosen) as needed by the user script: .$$(cssExpr: String, [root: HTMLElement]) -> Array
, returns an array of zero or more matched DOM elements.GMXHR
is a container (object) for a number of request functions. The request functions have the signatures:get(url: String) -> String
, returns a Promise yielding the HTML string content of the requested URL.getDoc(url: String) -> HTMLDocument
, returns a Promise yielding a DOM document of the requested URL. Suitable for extracting data from remote web pages.getJson(url: String) -> object
, returns a Promise yielding a deserialized JSON document (object) from the requested URL.
Cache(storageType: String, [ttl: Number]) -> cache
, returns an instance (function) of a cache backed by a particular storage. The valid storage types arelocal
for localStorage andscript
for GM/user script storage. The optionalttl
argument is the number of seconds a cached item is valid. When ttl is omitted, the default cache duration is 2 days. The returned cache instance has the following signature:cache(key: String, f: [async] function) -> Any
, wherekey
is a string associated with the cached value andf
is a function that returns or yields the value that should be cached. When invoking the cache function, the providedf
function will only be called if there is no non-expired value in the cache for thekey
. In all cases the return value of eitherf
or a previous call tof
with the same key will be returned by the cache call.
The cache can also be cleared entirely or partly by calling clear([prefix])
on the cache function itself. The optional prefix allows for removal of only the cache entries which have the specified prefix. When prefix is omitted, all cached items are removed.
Depending on which features are used, different privileges need to be granted the user script. The required privileges for the functions are listed below.
: None.GMXHR
: GM_xmlhttpRequest.Cache('local')
: NoneCache('script')
: GM_setValue, GM_getValue, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues.
An encompassing example which uses the functions together in order to extract the aggregate review rating of Death Stranding from IMDB.
// ==UserScript==
// @name GMLib usage example
// @version 0.1
// @namespace https://github.com/jojje/gmlib
// @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jojje/gmlib/master/gmlib.js
// @match https://some.site/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// ==/UserScript==
(async function() {
'use strict';
const {GMXHR, $$, Cache} = GMLib();
async function fetchImdbRating(url) {
const doc = await GMXHR.getDoc(url);
const rating = $$('span[itemprop="ratingValue"]', doc)[0].textContent;
return rating;
const url = 'https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5807606/';
console.info( 'IMDB rating for Death Stranding:', await fetchImdbRating(url) );
// Use with script cache (GM storage)
const cache = Cache('script');
console.info('== calling with cache ==');
console.info( 'IMDB rating for Death Stranding:', await cache('some-key', () => fetchImdbRating(url)) );
console.info( 'IMDB rating for Death Stranding:', await cache('some-key', () => fetchImdbRating(url)) );
console.info('== call the cached function again and expect a cache miss ==');
console.info( 'IMDB rating for Death Stranding:', await cache('some-key', () => fetchImdbRating(url)) );
The corresponding console output:
[GMLib] GMXHR GET https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5807606/
IMDB rating for Death Stranding: 8.9
== calling with cache ==
[GMLib] Cache Miss for key "some-key", calling () => fetchImdbRating(url)
[GMLib] GMXHR GET https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5807606/
IMDB rating for Death Stranding: 8.9
IMDB rating for Death Stranding: 8.9
[GMLib] Cache: Clearing all cached items
== call the cached function again and expect a cache miss ==
[GMLib] Cache Miss for key "some-key", calling () => fetchImdbRating(url)
[GMLib] GMXHR GET https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5807606/
IMDB rating for Death Stranding: 8.9