X-Road Monitor Collector is a software that collects monitoring data from X-Road instance and stores it in Elasticsearch for later analysis.
To compile, run unit tests and integration tests (note that to run the integration tests you need to have Elasticsearch installed and X-Road Monitor Collector configured to use it)
./gradlew clean build
To compile and run unit tests and no integration tests
./gradlew clean build -x integrationTest
To run the application
./gradlew bootRun
java -jar build/libs/xroad-monitor-collector.jar
Run collector with external config (looks for application.properties from /etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/)
java -jar build/libs/xroad-monitor-collector.jar --spring.config.location=/etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/
To run unit tests
./gradlew clean test
To run integration tests
./gradlew clean integrationTest
To and run all tests
./gradlew clean test integrationTest
Integration tests require that you are able to connect to the specified security server and Elasticsearch instance.
This will add license header to all *.java files.
./gradlew licenseFormat
The packaging uses Docker and the packages can also be built on non-RedHat platform.
To build development packages
./gradlew clean build
To build release packages
./gradlew clean build
The xroad-monitor-collector package built in previous step depends on java-1.8.0-openjdk and xroad-confclient.
To install OpenJDK
sudo yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk
To make xroad-confclient available you have two options.
- Configure a public repository and install it from there, see instructions
- Build X-Road yourself as described here and install it with
Finally install X-Road Monitor Collector with
rpm -i xroad-monitor-collector-1.1.0-0.20171122143212gitb2f4a55.el7.x86_64
Replace the filename with your package name accordingly.
After the xroad-monitor-collector package and its dependencies have been installed the software needs to configured. The xroad-confclient module fetches global configuration from a central server periodically. It uses a configuration file called configuration anchor which is downloaded from the X-Road instance's central server (global configuration - anchor - download) you wish to monitor. The configuration anchor is placed to /etc/xroad/configuration-anchor.xml
X-Road Monitor Collector is configured with /etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/application.properties
. The file is installed by the package and comes with default settings that need to be adapted to the running environment.
Using metricdatarequest parameters happens by altering application.properties and for production application-production.properties file. In properties file next line should be edited:
Line what is shown up will request all metricdata, if only some of metric data is wanted. To that line should be added names of metric data like here:
Names should be seperated with ',' and there should not be any spaces. You can find the different monitoring data metric names from the document: X-Road EnvironmentalMonitoring
To enable secure HTTPS connection to central monitoring client security server with mutual authentication follow the steps below.
Create new keystore and keypair for xroad-monitor-collector
keytool -alias xroad-monitor-collector -genkeypair -keystore /etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/keystore -validity 7300 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -sigalg SHA256withRSA -dname C=FI,CN=xroad-monitor-collector
Export the xroad-monitor-collector certificate to file
keytool -keystore /etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/keystore -exportcert -rfc -alias xroad-monitor-collector > xroad-monitor-collector.cer
Using the security server administrator interface configure the security server to use HTTPS connection and import the xroad-monitor-collector certificate from previous step to "Internal servers "- "Internal TLS certificates" list.
From the security server's administrator user interface export the security server internal certificate "System Parameters" - "Internal TLS Certificate" - "Export" and save it to file e.g. myserver.cer
Create new truststore for xroad-monitor-collector and import the trusted certificate
keytool -import -file myserver.cer -alias myserver -keystore /etc/xroad/xroad-monitor-collector/truststore
By default the xroad-monitor-collector uses the following paths and passwords for the keystore and truststore
Should you need to modify the default paths or passwords please refer to Spring Boot external config documentation