
Primary LanguageActionScript


Custom hacked client to game RotMG.
Development frozen indefinitely.



This method implies you already have successfully installed Apache Flex and IntelliJ IDEA.

  1. Download the repository and unpack somewhere on your PC.
git clone https://github.com/Gravitir314/059.git
  1. Run IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. In Welcome Window click to the "Create New Project".
  3. Select your Apache Flex SDK and set parameters as on screenshot.
  4. On next step, select in the "Project location" path to downloaded repository.
  5. Thereafter you should see main window, where you will work.
  6. Open "Project Structure" in tab "File" (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S).
    7.1. Project:
  • Select your Apache Flex SDK.
  • Select "Project language level" to Experimental.
    7.2. Modules:
  • Open your module and in "General" change "Main class" to ROTMG.
  • Optionally in "General" you can change "Output file name" and "Output folder".
  • Go to "Compiler Options", uncheck "Copy resource files to output folder" and add your options to "Additional compiler options":
-default-size 800 600 -default-frame-rate 60 -default-background-color #000000 -swf-version=31 -optimize -use-network=true

7.3. Libraries:

  • Click to the plus and add new "ActionScript/Flex" libraries, they located in repository/lib.
  1. Close the "Project Structure", in the upper right corner you can find your build configurations and buttons to build client.


  • /con (CC Edition)
  • Auto Aim
  • Auto Ability
  • Accounts list
  • Anti-Debuffs
  • Auto Claim Calendar
  • Auto Nexus
  • Auto Responder
  • Auto Sync HP
  • Auto Version Updater
  • Auto Loot (Commands not tested)
  • Big Loot Bags
  • Change Dye
  • Change Skin (not toggleable by SS-Mode)
  • Chat Length
  • Custom Hotkeys
  • Custom Sounds
  • Custom Glow
  • Disable Shot Rotation
  • Even Lower Graphics Mode
  • Event Notification
  • FameBot
  • Full-Screen V3 (+Steam)
  • Hide non-locked players
  • Hide pets (Your will stay)
  • Ignore Ice and Push
  • Inventories Switch
  • Lite stat monitor
  • Loot Preview
  • Low CPU Mode
  • Map Hack
  • Mob Info
  • Mob Insta Kill
  • Mobs HP Counter [X/X left]
  • New UI
  • No Trade Delay
  • Percent of Damage
  • Projectile No-Clip
  • Player Following (Portals/Nexus too)
  • Quest Bar (CC Edition)
  • RC-Ability
  • RC-Quest-Following
  • RC-Tilt-Camera
  • RC-Select Items on Trade
  • Reconnects
  • Refresh Account
  • Safe Walk
  • ScreenShot Mode
  • Teleport to Anchor
  • Teleport to Quest
  • Teleport to Self
  • Timers
  • Toggle Skin/Dye
  • Transparent players
  • Vault Switch
  • Vaults Preview
  • Vial Checker (Not tested)
  • Weapon Offset


  • DB Keys
  • Tomb Hack
  • Controller Input (Can't test)
  • Fix Hardware Acceleration with Fullscreen