
Projects and notes for CS 534: Artificial Intelligence

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CS 534: Artificial Intelligence

Projects and notes for the WPI graduate class CS 534: Artificial Intelligence.

Projects for this class are separated into their own repositories, and added here as submodules. To clone these as well, do:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Project 1

Project 1 is made up of two parts. For the first part, we use both A* and random-restart hill-climbing with a variable number of sideways moves to solve the heavy n-queens problem.

For the second part, we use hill climbing and a genetic algorithm to solve a simplified urban planning problem by laying out industrial, commercial, and residential zones in an optimal placement.

Project 2

Project 2 is a Python project that clusters two-dimensional data based on an Expectation-Maximization algorithm.

Project 3

Project 3 is made up of two parts:

  • A Python program that navigates a two-dimensional gridworld with obstacles and rewards at various grid points. It uses Q learning to iteratively get better at navigating the grid world until it converges on the optimal solution.

  • Another Python program that extends the Q learning algorithm to control a simulated robotic delivery truck. The program learns when to schedule departures of the truck from a warehouse to maximize the number of packages delivered and minimize wasted time.

Final Project

The final project is a TypeScript project for playing a simple word game called Jotto. We implemented a greedy best response agent to play the game, based on English language word frequencies.