
sbt plugin for integration with Node.js / npm

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Plugins for integration of Node.js based build tools with sbt.


Getting Started

Add this to your project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("de.surfice" % "sbt-node" % "0.0.4")

and then enable the plugins you want to use (see below) for your project(s) in build.sbt:

lazy val root = project.in(file("."))
  .enablePlugins(NpmPlugin, /* ... */)
  /* ... */


The following sections list the sbt settings and tasks provided by each plugin.

Note: If a plugin task depends on configuration files generated from settings (e.g. package.json), then these files will be updated if required, and the tasks using those files (e.g. npmInstall) will be run automatically.


This is the foundation required by all other plugins, but it can also be used on its own. It provides integration with the npm tool:

  • defining basic npm settings including dependencies and scripts
  • generating the package.json for the project
  • installing dependencies and running npm tasks

sbt Settings

  • npmTargetDir: the root directory of the Node.js project; node_modules will be installed here unless npmNodeModulesDir is overriden.
  • npmNodeModulesDir: full path to the node_modules dir. This can be set separately from npmTargetDir in case multiple projects shall share the same node_modules directory.
     Note: npmNodeModulesDir must be located in npmTargetDir or in any parent directory thereof!
  • npmDependencies: list of npm dependencies (name and version) the application/ library depends on at run time.
     Example: npmDependencies ++= Seq("rxjs" -> "^5.0.1")
  • npmDevDependencies: list of npm compile time / development dependencies.
     Example: npmDevDependencies ++= "Seq("lite-server" -> "^2.2.2")
  • npmMain: value of the main property in the generated package.json.
  • npmScripts: sequence of key/value pairs to be added to the scripts section in the generated package.json. Example:
     npmScripts ++= Seq("start" -> "lite-server")
     will add the following entry to the generated package.json:
     "scripts": { "start": "lite-server" }  

sbt Tasks

  • npmInstall: updates the package.json file and installs all dependencies. It is usually not necessary to call this task explicitly, since all tasks requiring npm packages should depend on this task.
  • npmRunScript <NAME>: runs the npm script NAME (must be defined in npmScripts). If the script does not stop on its own, it can be killed by pressing RETURN in the sbt console.
  • npmWritePackageJson: generates the project package.json file. It's usually not necessary to call this task explicitly, since it is called by npmInstall.

package.conf values

The follwing settings can be set by package.conf files located in any library JAR or in an (optional) project.conf (see ConfigPlugin):

  • npm.dependencies: list of npm package name/version pairs to be added to the npmDependencies
     Note: always add your values to the existing list by referencing {npm.dependencies}, otherwise the values defined by any other package.conf will be overwritten (see example under ConfigPlugin).
  • npm.devDependencies: list of npm package name/version pairs to be added to the npmDevDependencies
    Note: always add your values to the existing list by referencing {npm.devDependencies}, otherwise the values defined by any other package.conf will be overwritten (see example under ConfigPlugin).


This plugin generates the system.config.js files with all necessary mappings for npm packages for use of the System.js module loader.

sbt Settings

  • systemJSFile: output path for the generated system.config.js (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS).

sbt Tasks

  • systemJSConfig: the configuration object used for generating the system.config.js file (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS).
  • systemJS: generates the system.config.js file (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS). It's usually not necessary to call this task explicitly, since it is called by dependent tasks, e.g. liteServerPrepare.

package.conf values

  • systemjs.map: System.js mappings key/value mappings to be added to the system.config.js file.
  • systemjs.meta: additional entries for the meta section in the system.config.js file.
  • systemjs.packages: additional entries for the packages section in the system.config.js file.
  • systemjs.paths: additional path definitions to be added to the system.js.config file.

Example: see ConfigPlugin.


Configure and run lite-server from within sbt.

sbt Settings

  • liteServerVersion: version of lite-server to be used.
  • liteServerConfigFile: path to the lite-server config file (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS.
     Example: liteServerConfigFile in (Compile, fastOptJS) := baseDirectory.value / "my-config.json"
  • liteServerBaseDir: base directory from which files are served (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS).
  • liteServerIndexFile: path to the index.html file (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS).
  • liteServerRoutes: entries to be put in the lite-server config routes object (scoped to fastOptJS or fullOptJS).

sbt Tasks

  • liteServerWriteConfigFile: writes the lite-server configuration file.
  • liteServerWriteIndexFile: writes the index.html file for the specified stage (fastOptJS or fullOptJS).
  • liteServerStart: starts the lite-server for the specified stage (fastOptJS or fullOptJS).
     Example: > fastOptJS/liteServerStart
  • liteServerStop: stops the lite-server for the specified stage (fastOptJS or fullOptJS).


Compiles scss/sass files to css.

sbt Tasks

  • sassTarget: returns the target directory for compiled sass files (overwrite this task to change the target dir).
  • sassSourceDirectories: returns a list of source directories to be searched for sass files (overwrite this task to change/ add source directories).
  • sassInputs: returns all input files that are compiled by the sass task (if necessary).
  • sass: compiles scss files located in sassSourceDirectories. It's usually not necessary to call this task explicitly, since fastOptJS and fullOptJS depend on this task if the SassPlugin is loaded.

Helper Plugins




This plugin loads additional configuration values found in any package.conf contained within a library JAR, or in a project.conf file located in the project root. The format of these files is HOCON.

This plugin is automatically activated by NpmPlugin or any plugin depending on that.

sbt Settings

  • npmProjectConfigFile: file from which additional project-specific config values are loaded (default: project.conf)

sbt Tasks

  • npmProjectConfig: loads all package.conf files found in libraries (and the npmProjectConfigFile) and returns the parsed Typesafe Config object.
  • npmProjectConfigString: concatenates all detected configuration files into a single string; use show npmProjectConfigString to view the configuration evaluated by npmProjectConfig.

Example package.conf

npm {
  // add the npm packages `foo` and `bar` to the list of npmDependencies
  dependencies = ${npm.dependencies} [
    {"foo" = "^0.2.0"}
    {"bar" = "^0.3.2"}
  // add npm package `node-sass` to the list of npmDevDependencies
 devDependencies = ${npm.devDependencies} [
    {"node-sass" = "^4.5.3"}

// System.js configuration
systemjs {
  // add a mapping for package `foo` to the system.config.js file
  // note: the prefix 'npm:' is defined by the SystemJSPlugin and points to the project node_modules dir
  map {
    "foo" = "npm:/foo/bundles/foo.umd.js"
  meta {
    // use `text_loader` for HTML files
    "*.html" {
      loader = "text_loader"