
A simple message-passing and request-flow library compatible to akka actors for ScalaJVM and ScalaJS

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm

A simple library for actor-style message passing and request-flow processing for Scala/JVM and Scala.js. On the JVM, surf can be used as a thin abstraction layer on top of Akka.

SBT settings

Add the following lines to your build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

libraryDependencies += "de.surfice" %%% "surf-core" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"

If you want to use the RESTful service DSL, you need to add

libraryDependencies += "de.surfice" %%% "surf-rest" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"


This section assumes some basic knowledge of message passing and Akka-style actors.

Whereas Akka is an elaborate toolkit to build "Build powerful concurrent & distributed applications" (http://akka.io), SURF is a thin abstraction layer to simplify actor-style programming with pluggable backends, so that it may be used on the JVM and with Scala.js. Hence, SURF has no explicit notion of mailboxes, dispatchers, etc., but relies on the used backend to provide the necessary mechanisms.

In SURF, there only four basic types of entities:

  • Service: encapsulates some application logic and communicates with its enviornment only via messages (a.k.a Actor in Akka)
  • ServiceRef: an interface for communication with a service (a.k.a ActorRef in Akka). you never interact directly with a service instance, but instead you retrieve adirectly with a Service, but instead
  • ServiceRefFactory: a factory to create ServiceRefs. You never interact directly with a Service instance; instead, you use a ServiceRefFactory (or ServiceRefRegsitry) to get a ServiceRef for a specific Service implementation.
  • Message: any object sent to or received from a Service.




This code is open source software licensed under the MIT License