


  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • cmake 3.22
  • googletest 1.11.0-3
  • libgtest-dev 1.11.0-3
  • g++-11.3.0
  • xsltproc


Testing itself

  1. cmake -DJENKINS-TEST=ON -S . -B build
  2. cmake --build build
  3. cd build/test
  4. ctest

output the result by xml (and convering to html)

  1. export GTEST_OUTPUT="xml:/path/to/directory"
  2. ctest
  3. git clone
  4. for i in ls; do xsltproc gtest2html.xslt ${i} > ${i%xml}html; done

build and run docker image, container of Jenkins

  1. cd env
  2. docker build . -t
  3. docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000
  4. (Installing Jenkins) select "Install suggested plugins"
  5. (Installing Jenkins) View Configuration
  6. (Installing Jenkins) add CMake plugin
  7. (Installing Jenkins) create new job
  8. (Installing Jenkins) select "Free Style Project"
  9. (Installing Jenkins) fill "git repository url"
  10. (Installing Jenkins) select CMake/CPack/CTest execution as build step
  11. (Installing Jenkins) create another CMake/CPack/CTest execution to build application
  12. (Installing Jenkins) save and start building

add_plugin1.png repository_url.png build_step1.png build_step2.png build_step3.png

How to access docker container

docker exec -it /bin/bash

change sudo user

su - test
