don't forget to install requirements before runing this demo run "pip install -r ./requirements.txt" ##APP If you want to try the app click APP ->> app.bat
Operation: press "q" to quit
##Gesture recognition Click APP->> demo.bat
Operation: press "q" to switch modes(21points mode & DTC mode)(DTC is the system we proposed means “Detection + Tracking + Classification”) press "esc" to quit
###motion detection demo Motion_HOF_SVM ->> detect_motion.ipynb
###recognition based on skin detection + HOG + SVM Skin_tone_detection_HOG_SVM ->> handclassification.ipynb
###Hand Tracker demo hand_tracker ->> tracker_kcf.ipynb when you start to run this process, fisrt it will take a picture and you should draw the area of your hand, then it will track your hand.