
A list of resources inscribed on bitcoin

MIT LicenseMIT

Ordinal Public Goods

A list of js libraries and other resources inscribed on bitcoin. Use it to lower the cost of your inscriptions. Once you have the package that you need you can test it out in regtest with Ord Package Manager

Warning These libraries are NOT vetted. Be cautious when opening and using these inscriptions.

Ordinals Javascript Frameworks

These are packages to help you incorporate js modules and interact directly w/ the ordinals protocol

Github Notes Source
Ord Package Manager A simple package manager for Ord with a html template engine. Provides scripts to test the packages in regtest mode. Eloc
Recursive Library Library for getting data off recursive endpoints Eloc
Elements by Wizards of Ord Collection of libraries for inscribing generative art ordinals on Bitcoin Lifofifo

Javascript for Generative Art

Packages to help make generative art on Bitcoin 🟧

Library Inscription Format Notes Source
Three.js Link gzip example onchain monkey
Three.js/TextGeometry Link ord/br [example] Three.js
Three.js/FontLoader Link ord/br [example] Three.js
Three.js 0.163.0 Link ord/br example The Wizards of Ord Elements
camera-controls 2.7.0 Link none ord.io
p5.js 1.6.0 (gzipped) Link gzip see example onchain monkey
p5.js 1.9.0 (brotli) Link ord/br see example The Wizards of Ord Elements
p5.js 1.9.0 (gzipped) Link gzip see example Genify?
p5.js 1.9.2 (brotli) Link ord/br see example The Wizards of Ord Elements
p5.js 1.9.2 ( not zipped) Link none [Billy?]
matter0js 0.19.0 Link none found on ord.io
webGL-fluid-simulation Link none found on ord.io
tone.js 14.7.77? Link none found on ord.io
generatord v1.3 Link none generatord.io source
anime.js 3.2.1 Link none ord.io
gzipLoader Link none example thecolorblocks

Other Javascript

Utilities that might be useful for on-chain innovations

Library Inscription Format Notes Source
brotli/decode.min.js Link none ord.io
Chroma Link gzip Contributed by Lammetje The Function Gallery
fflate 0.8.0 Link none example harry.xbt
html2canvas 1.4.1 Link none king bootoshi
jquery 3.7.0 Link none inscribed.space
cbor-js 0.1.0 Link none bc1Plainview cbor-js
cbor-x 1.5.8 Link none mononaut cbor-x
Google model viewer 3.1.1 Link none see tweet for useage harry.xbt
Google Model Viewer 3.5.0 Link ord/br Tiny Vikings
Google Model Viewer Effects 1.3.0 Link ord/br Tiny Vikings
Apache 2.0 Link none untested inscribed.space
Moment.js 2.29.1 Link none inscribed.space
gunzip in fflate Link gzip need to do inscription.split("\n")[28] onchain monkey
axios min js Link none found on ord.io
cropper.js 1.5.6 Link none found on ord.io
popper.js/core 2.11.8 Link none found on ord.io
greensock GSAP 3.6.1 Link none may need license? found on ord.io
algoliasearch 4.18.0 algoliasearch.umd.js Link none found on ord.io
GRC-img v1 Link none ord.io
jsgif 0.1 (GIFPlayer port) Link none source ord.io
Highlight.js v11.7.0 Link none ord.io
Y A C E v0.0.6 Link none ord.io
crypto-js 4.1.1 Link none Wild Tangz
react 18.2.0 Link none example bopxbt
reactDOM 18.2.0 Link none example bopxbt
pako 2.1.0 Link none example bopxbt
ordengine-react v0.0.1 Link none example bopxbt
react-reconciler 0.27.0 Link none ord.io
react-three/fiber 8.13.7 Link none ord.io
htm3.1.1 Link none inscribed-packages
react-spring-core 9.7.3 Link none ord.io
shader-composer 0.4.3 Link none ord.io
gif.worker.js 0.2.0 Link none ord.io
scheduler 0.23.0 Link none ord.io
react-three/drei 9.80.7 Link none ord.io
vfx-composer 0.4.0 Link none ord.io
fp-ts-function@2.16.1 Link none ord.io
its-fine@1.1.1 Link none ord.io
seedrandom.min.js Link none ord.io github
easymde 2.18.0 Link none ord.io
highlight.js 11.9.0 Link none ord.io
mathjax Link none github
ordlotte.js Link none ordlotte
GLTFExporter Link none ord.io
GLTFLoader Link none ord.io
USDZ Exporter Link none ord.io
EXT_mesh_gpu_instancing_exporter Link none ord.io
base64js Link none ord.io
ieee754 Link none ord.io
Buffer Link none ord.io
OrdJS Link none example ord.io
Lindenmayer Link ord/br Modified to use p5js random Mutable Trees

CSS Frameworks

To style your HTML inscriptions

Library Inscription Format Notes Source
marx.min.css 4.1.1 Link none thecolorblocks
Bootstrap 5.3.0 Link none inscribed.space
tailwind Link base64 gzipped after unzipping, pull out default (e.g. tail.default) inscribed-packages

Font files

Name Inscription Format Notes Source
GEOM2 Regular Link font/ttf preview The Color Blocks
pixelmix Regular Link font/ttf preview The Color Blocks
Alagard Link font/ttf preview The Color Blocks
Press Start 2P Regular Link font/ttf preview The Color Blocks
Mode7 Link woff The Function
RuneOrd Link woff2 Usage asciitoshi
Cabal Link json ![preview](https://github.com/carlosmarcial/ordinalpublicgoods/blob/main/font_previews/cabal-preview.png LJ Design Studios

Bitcoin testnet

Name Inscription Format Notes Source
p5.js 1.6.0 (gzipped) Link gzip see example The Function Gallery
fflate 0.8.0 Link none [example] The Function Gallery


Know of a library that isn't here yet? Edit this page by clicking the pencil icon!