
Upload file from TabrisJS App to NodeJS & PHP based server.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Upload file from TabrisJS App to NodeJS & PHP based server.


I was struggle to get this simple thing to work: Upload file(s) from TabrisJS App and receive them on NodeJS/PHP server, then save them to file. I tried formdata polyfill, multer on Node side, etc., just to not avail. Several tries and errors gave some light: it was very simple!

Just use TabrisJS' XMLHttpRequest - which supports binary transfer - and everything works like charm.


This repo demonstrates a simple way to upload file with transfer progress, from TabrisJS app to PHP/NodeJS server. A progress bar (TabrisJS' ProgressBar widget) is used to show the transfer progress. Two callbacks are used, one to notify upload progress and another to notify if transfer is finished/failed.

// cbDone: function(error, result){}
// cbProgress: function(totalSize, uploadedSize){}
uploadFile(fileUri, function(error, result){
  if (error){
    // notify the error
    progressbar.tintColor = '#f00'; // red
    // ....
  } else {
    // transfer finished
    progressbar.tintColor = '#0f0'; // green
}, function(totalSize, uploadedSize){
  // update progress bar
  progressbar.maximum = totalSize;
  progressbar.selection = uploadedSize;


TabrisJS App Side

The TabrisJS app needs these plugins to work:

  • cordova-plugin-camera for taking/browsing photo If you are building offline - i.e. your own development machine, use:
  cd build/cordova

Add target platform(s):

cordova platform add android
cordova platform add ios

Add the plugin:


You can back to the TabrisJS App's root folder by:

cd ../..
  • Device/Emulator for testing

You may use IOS Simulator on mac machine or Android Emulator on other platforms. Device/Emulator setups are not covered here.

PHP Side:

Enable your HTTP server with PHP support. XAMPP, WAMP, UniServer are sufficient. Configure your PHP's maximum file upload size to match your requirements.

Create a folder in your HTTP server and copy file php-app/test-post.php there, and mark its url, for example: http://yourserver.net/test-post.php. This url will be used by TabrisJS app to post files to.

NodeJS Side:

Copy folder node-app to your disk. CD into the folder and make sure everything needed is installed.

cd node-app
npm i

While in there, create a folder filestorage - if not exists - where uploaded files will be put into:

mkdir filestorage



Start your http server to serve PHP file.

Run NodeJS App

CD into node-app folder and start the server:

cd node-app
npm start

If you see this Listening on yo.ur.i.p:808, your NodeJS app is running. Please mark the IP and PORT.

Run TabrisJS App

Open app.js file. Edit these lines

function uploadFile(fileUri, cbDone, cbProgress){
    // NodeJS:
    let url = 'http://atm.net:808/v1/upload/image';
    // PHP:
    // let url = 'http://atm.net/test-post.php';

To test upload to PHP, use let url = 'http://yourserver.net/test-post.php';.

To test upload to NodeJS, use let url = 'http://yo.ur.i.p:808/v1/upload/image';. The route v1/upload/image must match the route defined on index.js on node-app folder:

// .........
.post('/v1/upload/image', function(rq, rs){ ... });
// ........

CD into tabris-app and run

tabris run android|ios
