
Utilities for the MHD solver VMEC

Primary LanguagePython

VMEC input and output reader

A tool for manipulating VMEC input files and output files.


It is recommended to create a virtual environmnent to run the code of this repository. This will avoid package conflicts with other python projects.

python -m venv path_for_the_venv
source path_for_the_venv
pip install --upgrade wheel

or if you use anaconda, you can create the environnement as follows:

conda create --name myenv python=3.9

Once the environnement is created, activate the environment (through source path_for_the_venv or through conda activate myenv), clone the repository and install:

cd VMEC_Reader
pip install .

or if you want to developp the library in this repository:

pip install -e .


Input manipulation example

from VMEC_Reader.input import InputFile, InputVariable, IndexedArray

# The input file is made of two sections (indata, bootin) with the following groups:
#   control, grid, freeboundaries, pressure, flow, current, boundary
#   misc (contains all variables)
input = InputFile("input.kink.in")

# The names here are case insensitive

# Print a section

# Print a group
print(input.INDATA.boundary)  # or print(input.boundary)

# Print a variable
print(input.indata.boundary.rbc)  # or print(input.boundary.rbc) or print(input.rbc)

# Remove a variable from input file
input.remove("precon_type")  # alternatively input.indata.remove("precon_type")

# or a section

# Remove multiple variables
input.remove(["ntheta", "mpol"])
# can also use wildcards (only for variables):

# Add a variable
input.set_variable("nfp", data=[1, 2, 3], type=int)

# Modify a variable.
# A variable is an InputVariable class, which contains
# the name, the type, , the description of the variable
input.delt.data = 0.6

# Special variables called IndexedArray are used when we want to specify an array with indices
# See documentation of IndexedArray for more infos

# Here we are removing all indices (x,y) with
# x < 0
input.rbc.data.remove(("<0", "*"))
# Can have multiple removal rules
input.rbc.data.remove([(">4", "*"), ("*", "<0"), ("*", ">4")])

# Save the new modified input file
input.to_file("input.modified.in", with_comments=True)