
Set of scripts to mirror web sites and serve the mirrored copies.

Primary LanguagePython

Set of scripts to mirror web sites and serve the mirrored copies.


Installing on Ubuntu

  • sudo apt-get install wget python3-pip
  • sudo pip3 install requests
  • Checkout or download the latest version of MagicMirror.py

Installing on Windows

  • Install the latest Python 3.x.
  • (recommended) Add C:\Python3x\Scripts (check the actual path on your system) to your PATH.
  • pip3 install requests
  • Install wget v1.15 or later, add it to PATH.
  • Checkout or download the latest version of MagicMirror.py

Crawling a web site

$ python3 MagicMirror.py crawl databaseDir startURL [additionalURL additionalURL ...]

Specifying additional URLs (they may even be on a different domain) may be necessary when wget used as a web crawler fails to detect links to those files – in most cases it produces code 404 page or missing images while browsing the mirrored copy of the site.

For example:

$ python3 MagicMirror.py crawl /home/User/mmDB http://some.site.com http://some.site.com/print.shtml?smth

$ python3 MagicMirror.py crawl /home/User/mmDB https://other.site.com:444

Serving mirrored web sites

$ python3 MagicMirror.py serve databaseDir archive.Domain.Suffix [port] &

For example:

$ python3 MagicMirror.py serve /home/User/mmDB my.archive.com 8080 &

Make sure DNS or /etc/hosts or whatever domain naming system points archive.Domain.Suffix and *.archive.Domain.Suffix to the server IP address.

Accessing mirrored web sites

$ wget http://my.archive.com:8080

$ wget http://some.site.com.my.archive.com:8080

$ wget http://https.other.site.com.444.my.archive.com:8080

Running built-in test suite

$ python3 MagicMirror.py test

-- Moved from https://code.google.com/p/magic-mirror-crawler